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When boomer business owners/hiring managers say "millennials lie on their resume". are they implying they hire based on merit?

submitted by anon to askanon 1.9 yearsAug 4, 2022 11:36:08 ago (+10/-1)     (askanon)

Boomers, how do you answer?

I have worked at ONE place in all of my work history that, years prior, hired based on merit, and it was obvious from the well oiled machine and handling of problems. By the time I was there for about a year it was clear they were no longer hiring based on meritz but rather the faggot friends of theirs. Then these faggot friends were hiring their friends and the quality of the product produced regressed significantly and they stuck their nose in the air and continued forcing people out so their friends could be hired.

Obviously this isn't a meritocracy, and every time someone pulling these sleezy tactics is confronted they gaslight themselves and try gaslighting everyone else into believing that we not only live in a meritocracy, but we have lived in a meritocracy for every instant in time in the past, and you must be crazy for suggesting otherwise. As you can see, the connection to reality disconnects and takes a b-line for random nonsense. And the problem here is that they gas themselves up on believing in this nonsense, and no matter how one responds they just keep make-believing and continue their nepotism.

21 comments block

anon 0 points 1.9 years ago

Ok boomer