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Musk thinks owning the platform controls Twitter. But it's actually the advertisers who are all controlled by Jewish advertising firms and they will pull their ads for any platform it is not Jewish controlled. So unless musk is willing to pay the server bill himself for the whole platform he's going

submitted by Crackinjokes to Jews 2.1 yearsMay 5, 2022 13:18:15 ago (+14/-2)     (finance.yahoo.com)


Musk thinks owning the platform controls Twitter. But it's actually the advertisers who are all controlled by Jewish advertising firms and they will pull their ads for any platform it is not Jewish controlled. So unless musk is willing to pay the server bill himself for the whole platform he's going

11 comments block

Sounds like it's time for a bunch of non-zog owned businesses to pop up and capitalize then

The bigger the Jews respond to this the more opportunity it presents to grow an ecosystem out of their control