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'Amerimutts' are 98.6% European with only 0.19% african admixture and 0.18% native american admixture

submitted by Garrett to science 2.2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:58:18 ago (+22/-0)     (archive.ph)


see Table 1
Comparison of Genome-wide Ancestry Estimates and X Chromosome Estimates in African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans

18 comments block

The amerimutt meme comes from spics and various abominaciones that don't actually identify as White. Spics are only counted as White because the United States used to have such a small hispanic population that it didn't matter, like with arabs nowadays. Of course, they wouldn't dare to change that and admit to normies that the US is nowhere near 75% White. But that is only for official statistics, the spics themselves identify as spic before anything else.