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The Slow Train Wreck

submitted by Native to whatever 2.2 yearsApr 6, 2022 06:43:42 ago (+57/-2)     (whatever)

I was born in Russia. The Soviet Union before it collapsed and all the boomers never thought it would. In their warped boomer Adele’s mind they thought the Cold War would last forever until it didn’t.

I lost two great uncles in WW2 fighting the Germans (who did nothing wrong). I wish I knew their stories. My grandfather, served in the Soviet Union until he drank himself to death and I was too young to ask him the questions that mattered.

Where does it go from here?

I would imagine that my grandfather would answer “survive. My family did. And no matter how bad it gets we will always make it.”

America WILL repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union. America will collapse in ten years. The slow train wreck is knowing it will crash and deciding, “will I watch or run to safety.” America is the train wreck. Please protect yourself.

Move out of the cities and get of debt. Meet your neighbors. The time is quickly approaching when America will no longer be the most obese nation. The danger is a racial civil war once daddy government runs out of food stamps.

The lone wolf, despite Hollywood propaganda does not survive. Your neighbor friends and family survive. I would know. I’m a Slav

58 comments block

We're in a death spiral and there's no stopping it. Our "representatives" are accelerating it with their "quantitative easing" and other inflationary policies. When it does blow, it will be epic. It seems obvious but I think it's part of a larger plan which includes vaccines and wars to reduce the population.

Pre-covid I had several different people ask if I was a "conspiracy theorist" when I moved away from the city and started producing my own food. The personality of these people changed during covid and I no longer hear from them at all anymore. I suspect they are hiding at home in fear as they realise the government has duped them with the vaccines. They believed the propaganda that everything is okay and spent this valuable time in the lead-up trying to one-up each other with their instagram fashion and fake virtue. Now everything is too expensive and they are in a bad position. Most of my acquaintances are vaxxed (though I know quite a few who aren't) and when I reach out to do something i.e. drink a beer the vast majority of the vaxxed always make up some excuse, not because of my beliefs because I never discussed this stuff with them. So I know that they smell the unease in the air as well and they are afraid.

Anyway to me it is a positive thing because now I know who I can rely on during struggling times. It's the ones that weren't afraid of the "virus" and still attempted to socialize and have a good time. This is because I now know that their brain still functions in the face of uncertainty, they don't just assume the fetal position waiting for the government to save them.