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General John W Raymond commander of Space Force was the guy running the directed energy weapons DEW for the Air Force space command!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Military 2.3 yearsMar 14, 2022 20:33:33 ago (+7/-1)     (en.m.wikipedia.org)


This treasonous cunt has been frying the truth tellers of all NATO countries for years!

He even got sent a cease and desist letter related to these criminal attacks on unarmed civilians in 2018!!!


So why the fuck did Trump have him promoted and given a branch of the military to command?

It's shit like this that makes me believe Trump was never our guy. That he was just another compromised puppet under the control of the pedo elites.

This general should have faced a tribunal for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and treason.

So all the Trump and Q tards thinking Space Force isn't a black hat operation have been proven wrong yet again.

This cunts past should be spread throughout the Q community to wake them up and expose this butcher for his crimes against the USA and her NATO allies.

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deleted 0 points 2.3 years ago
