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submitted by anthonylancer to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 22, 2022 18:12:03 ago (+45/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


40 comments block

For anyone interested, here's some psychedelic anecdotes. Over the last two decades, I've consumed psilocybin mushrooms well over a hundred times, sometimes weekly, sometimes full three day weekend binges. 95% of the sessions have been alone, often at home, in the dark. I'd regularly START the dose at 5 dried grams in lemon with ginger, often redosing a few times to get at least 12 hours worth. I found taking anything above 10g and the 'launch intensity' was just too much to be useful: my aim was always to stay in the hallucinogenic sweet spot, between the nausea and the tacky self reflection.

I've encountered the elf chaps before, but not in a million years would they look at you like that. Most of them appear to be janitors, "on duty" and seem terrified to be seen, absolutely terrified. They will freeze then run. The shock seemed to stem not from the threat of what I would do, but literally the terror that I had ended up in a place where by I was able to see them.

The first time this happened, I had woken in a large square tiled bath filled with dark liquid. Relative to my size, it must've been about 15ft squared and about 4 ft deep. The room was well lit and ventilated. I looked over the side of the bath and there was one of those characters sweeping up around the outside of the bath. I didn't say anything. I just watched. It passively glanced at me, then back down at the brush, in a way which suggested it had been monitoring me. Then, a second glance happened, to check it hadn't imagined that I was awake. Alarmed, it looked around my eyes and mouth in a triangular fashion, and began to panic like the situation unfolding was way beyond anything it had expected. It started to have a panic attack then turned and ran. I tried to get out of the bath to follow it but found myself tethered beneath the water, and as I pulled at the cords, the lights went out and the fluid around me began to cool rapidly. As the sound of the fans began to fade into silence, a soft mumbling voice could be heard in the dark corner, chanting "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"