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The cope timeline

submitted by Splooge to whatever 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 09:33:40 ago (+85/-0)     (i.ibb.co)


84 comments block

Bald head coffee cup man is wrong. I want 'guessing' I was paying attention instead of drawing doodle. Take a glance through history. Filled with numerous examples of long nose treachery. Why this any different?

Also consider:
Epstein (BIG nose) being caught Leo frank style..(even some lefties aboard 'epstein didn't kill himself' meme, then this)

80 million sheeboons and Tyrone's, and just overall cunts stealing an election without repercussion.

The burn loot murder campaign going unanswered by whites.

Only three in a littany of red flags. But enough reason for suspicion. No?

Stop paying attention, you are being led to slaughterhouse. This is instinct. Pay attention or you suffer.