Thank you very much. I hope you're offlining these things. I've been compiling a lot but your info is amazing. Once i have a little more money i'd gladly pay you to store all this info but we can discuss this at a later point.
What do you think this entails then, if it is in fact, flat? From a spiritual perspective, or from a "meaning of life" perspective.
I appreciate your thorough replies and the info you share, thank you.
Timothymcoyvey 0 points 2.8 years ago
Thank you very much. I hope you're offlining these things. I've been compiling a lot but your info is amazing. Once i have a little more money i'd gladly pay you to store all this info but we can discuss this at a later point.
What do you think this entails then, if it is in fact, flat? From a spiritual perspective, or from a "meaning of life" perspective.
I appreciate your thorough replies and the info you share, thank you.