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Are system/The_Venerable's tech skills so bad he had to ban ALS, again?

submitted by chrimony to TalkDev 2.7 yearsOct 3, 2021 19:16:12 ago (+2/-11)     (files.catbox.moe)


Last time he banned ALS for a reply to him in a comment thread. This time he banned ALS for pointing out how ridiculous it was that The_Venerable couldn't handle the bandwidth of user chat. Here's an example of the ineptitude:

system: "And [sic] additonal meg sent with every reload and every chat message. Fuck you're retarded."

Really. You coded up a system that sent the ENTIRE chat log on every message? Yet you spend time coding up stupid fringe features that nobody gives a shit about (hello, colorizer). Which also explains why you never added the basic functionality of not doing an entire page reload just to add a comment to the site. But you banned ALS for pointing out your failures, on an OFFSITE chat (screenshot is from SearchVoat's chat archives). Pathetic.

To all the Loltard fanboys: Have fun mocking Poal when you support AOU's little sister.

65 comments block

Mr7Slug -1 points 2.7 years ago

Whats the term for this, gaslighting? Never said any of that. But on some days, YES, all/new is FULL of heavily downvoted child porn that the admins DEMAND is free speech