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My husband is very close to getting the jab

submitted by Cunt to Controlavirus 2.7 yearsSep 12, 2021 10:31:48 ago (+52/-1)     (Controlavirus)

He claims indifference. Hates trying to defend my position with NPCs constantly asking him when he will get it, why hasn't he got it already. He is afraid of the imminent vaccine passport and losing work, even though he hates his job. It has previously been secure work because he excels at it but they are likely to mandate the covid vax there soon. Doesn't want to do anything to fight back, unless it is a dramatic suicide attack.

Is AstraZeneca better being that it is not mRNA? Should I be steering him that way as the lesser of two evils? Get him to have a full health work up prior, so any adverse reactions are obvious? I'm worried he might just do it without telling me. I'm fighting a losing battle. I have said I will take the kids and move out for a fortnight at least if he does. I dont know if shedding is real or not but I need to do something to make taking it not look so easy. I need something to change. I wish some fucker would just stand up and be a leader and lead the resistant. Even as a woman, if I didn't have kids I would give it a go even knowing I am an insufferable cunt who couldn't win any followers. If only they tried and pulled this shit in my late teens/ early 20s. As a mother I feel trapped in my role. I have to protect them directly, I can't make a huge fight for their abstract future. For fuck sake one still won't go to sleep unless my tit is in their mouth.

He is a miserable bastard too who hates the world and says he doesn't care if he lives or dies or gets disabled. He is already an alcoholic. So anything goes wrong and doctors will blame that I suppose.

Fuck these fucking kikes and their manipulation. Fuck them driving a wedge between everyone.

104 comments block

He sounds depressed and helpless. I think if you could try and improve both of your quality of life by enjoying each other again that would really help. Having young kids is hardwork and really impacts on your marital relationship. Try to find some of the good times again with him. Maybe try to make him laugh - if life is just problems then apathy and substance use are natural responses.