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It's good to see gabaras back and shitting all over the place, now it's Voat again

submitted by rage to whatever 2.8 yearsSep 7, 2021 18:42:39 ago (+35/-3)     (whatever)

27 comments block

try 4 points 2.8 years ago

Its not a funny thread or a funny thing happening to this vital free speech resource.

Gabara seeks to make this site 100.0% free of Jew naming, and is off to a good start.

Paid Leftists infiltrated 2021 SBBH and then SBBH made sure that goatpen.co is 100% free of a single anti-Jew anti-Israel post topic out of the top 235 posts on front page as proven here! :

DANGER ! talk.lol is NEXT! EXPOSED!!! Jew-Infested Goatpen! NOT ONE single Jew Named in 235 of 235 posts! Proof supplied!


The fate of this site is sealed. There are far far too many paid leftists and they attacking the last educated authentic users ONE or TWO at a time per day, as I predicted weeks ago.

Alt accounts who have not posted topic posts in over 2 weeks SHOULD NOT GET TO BE ANONYMOUS when downvoting topic posts against the same user too many times!

One and only one tool exists to stop paid leftists from destroying free speech web sites that feature anonymous downvotes... limiting downvotes against a single target from a single attacker by making them NON-anonymous and revealed to all if downvoted in rapid succession.

This week I explained how code could be written to save this site before it became infested over 40% by paid leftist shills destroying talk.lol :


See that? It's all in that long comment.

Far higher thresholds on anonymous downvoting of forum topics would have saved this site, if done 3 weeks ago.

Whatever. I am done with this site. Each day the average total IQ level drops ever lower.

Soon its top 80 posts will be 100% free of Jew Naming in any material way.

JIDF/ADL/SPLC/MOSSAD/ShareBlue can have this site as well.

I get more net results tending to my own efforts on the many other semi-free-speech-sites that paid leftists do not seem to hate as much as here (poal.co , gab.ai , consumeproduct, chans.

We should be mourning the death of this site
The primary metric of its death, is if not one material "Jew Naming" post is on the first 80 front /All topics visible to non-logged in users, and little conservative news, and lots of gibberish, drama (like this thread), and JIDF approved filler.

All competing "semi-free-speech" sites , because of my labors, now all feature copious and regular posts Naming the Jew. I am proud of my handiwork, but did lay off for about a week, realizing that I was being maybe too much of a zealot and breaking AOU too much. At this exact point in time we have 5 good "ALMOST-pure-free-speech" social forums to enjoy, and one rapidly dying or dead "100%-pure-free-speech" social forum that honors legal freedom to : "incite hatred of Jews" "post line art" "post links to legal erotica" "wish violence on Jews" "belittle African IQ DNA" "name Jews" "type the words 'nigger' or 'kike'" , and more freedoms banned on the almost-free-speech-sites.

There is provably only one existing 100% free speech site, and it has many enemies, and you are using it now.

Soon in mere weeks, 2021-SBBH will complete the transformation of this site into a non-jew-naming garbage heap, like I proved with my link to the site they had total control over : https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost.php?postid=613252a546c53

Paid leftists harrass what few non-subverting builders remain, like @KCobain27, and then Paid leftists harrass ironically the anti-erotica high IQ builders like ALS and Granite after they will run off KCobain27, or anyone that seeks to post good topics to /All.

Too many anon downvote shill accounts are here and jew leftist alts auto-downvoted many GREAT topics -5 today like this :

The first two injections were just practice jabs.:

A Week ago system revealed one alt downvoted just my CCP alone, not SCP, ~328 times in mere days (up to Sept 1)

I'll probably revisit this site if system implements any of my various strongly suggested methods to limit the paid leftists anon downvote brigading.

Don't bother engaging me for any elicited comment replies nor PMs. I may not see them for a few weeks, and all the vile paid-leftist hate waiting when I do log in again one day is anti-motivational against any normal desire to check my PMs.

To expound upon all the proven Leftist enemies of this 'hate speech' site, you merely have to read back through my last two or three weeks of comments and search for my thoughts on Soros and related topics :


Have fun, everyone.