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All banned users have been unbanned

submitted by system to whatever 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 02:38:15 ago (+45/-4)     (whatever)

With the launch of Talk, I want to have a clean slate to work with. Prior to this relaunch I did a lot of thinking about all elements of the site, and one of those topics is bans. I've received many comments from people about bans lately, and I listened and agree with a lot of them. Early in the site's life banning was the only way to enforce the rules. But a ban doesn't fit every situation. So I created suspensions not long ago. And to take the idea of being able to enforce rules without having to ban further, I've created a way to limit certain parts of the site if needed. For example, a vote manipulator could be suspended from voting temporarily, or have voting disabled entirely if the behavior continues. A spammer could be rate limited to 5/15/60/90 minutes between posts and comments. Someone posting porn without a tag repeatedly could lose the ability to post link posts, either indefinitely or temporarily. These scenarios are examples of the route I want to go down when it comes to taking authoritative action on this website. If these methods fail then a suspension will be warranted. If multiple suspensions fail, only then will a ban be issued. The two things that are excluded from all this and will result in an instant ban are 1. Posting CP. 2. Doxxing a user of the site. All users up to this point have been unbanned with the exception of one who was banned for doxxing another user. Some older bans could not be undone so they have been removed from the database.

Also worth mentioning: If you do not like a user, the block feature has been improved recently. It now fills in the blocked content with other content, so the full 25 topics still display per page.

116 comments block

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday 18 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 02:40:10 ago (+22/-4)

Thats mighty White of you

[ - ] try 4 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:08:07 ago (+14/-10)*

Sure... but...

Too White (too altruistic to the detriment of this site's survival)

BAD idea if unlimited anon downvotes allowed, but a Tar Pit as you describe could force enemies of your site to cycle through more of their ~370 existing accounts.

Free for leftist infested modern SBBH to destroy your site by brigading against users you would desire here?

This site shall be overrun by paid leftists with large PROVEN funding meant to attack free speech web sites where Whites might congregate that offer discussion of news. They seek to run off remaining educated users, ultimately to ruin sites that offer Naming of Jews.

Without banning of near-proven accounts used to either kookify your site, upvote gibberish posts and downvote quality posts... the site can quickly become a trash heap overrun by ADL/SPLC/JIDF/ShareBlue

Remember how trashed your /All front page first 80 posts were for days when SBBH kept upvoting gibberish, one time switching to mere random numbers. Other times upvoting mindless drama and instantly matching-pair downvotes to keep all good posts trapped at "0" CCP, sometimes applying -7 against +7 to keep good posts languishing at "0" and hidden from your front pages of /All

Now, this week, the paid leftists go after only a few people at a time.

A day ago I got -139 downvotes in exactly ONE DAY! And over -320, I suppose, in 72 hours by one user, an account that you now will not ban nor others run by paid leftist organizations.

MEDICAL info comment attacked in seconds, a day ago, over THIRTY FOUR TIMES :


34 times medical info educated insightful posts being attacked automatically, within seconds by paid leftists.

thank you system for making those 34 downvote brigaded science posts now all no longer -2 or -1 (I never have reposted a "0" in my life). The left will continue to attack educated content like that to ruin your site.

ANOTHER example:

RESEARCH + a health warning attacked, a day ago, in script-like speed, thirteen times attacked:


Thanks also for reversing those 13 auto attacks on my high effort science research comments like that, that also involve medical health warning to users. They were all auto attacked to -1 or -2 when I reposted the comment. (I never have reposted a "0" in my life)


You have FOUR elements here that are not benevolent:

• 1 -- paid leftist contractors working for ADL/SPLC/JIDF/MOSSAD/ShareBlue

• 2 -- the 2021 version of SBBH that was 50% infested by paid leftist contractors. Each day they still gloat on other sites that they fuck with this site. Appeasing them will not help, because they are not the old pre-2021 SBBH. They are new 2021 leftist controlled SBBH.

• 3 -- RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALIST ZEALOTS that like most free speech but HATE all erotica links , cartoon line art erotica links, and links they imagine in their mind depict kids (those zealots were ALS, granite and the others that downvote-stalk B4A)

• 4 -- Actual real glowniggers do no harm here yet, other than possibly to lower IQ by 'kookifying' using flat earther accounts, just like jews do to break up high IQ social groups. Glowniggers LIKE this 'de facto' honeypot and want it preserved, like voat.co. But they do not aid it too much. CIA/ NSA/ NRO/ FBI/ DIA/ USDOJ/ State Dept INR/ USAFISR/ DOE/ DHS/ TFI/ ONSI/ NSF/ USPS/ etc

Those four elements are your non-builders. This site does not have enough users to tolerate free anarchy yet. Paid leftists will crush this site.

These banned people fit in those categories above and now you want to unban them?

Smith (mumbleberry)
Cobra (self deleted before ban)

They tried to work against this free speech site's interests. Now you want them and their alts back to test your new "tar pit" code. They will just disenchant using one account, and downvote using countless other lesser seen alts.

Sadly, I estimate that over 40% of your unique daily IP logins and non-logins are those 4 groups. Even Rush Limbaugh bragged that 20% of his daily listeners were enemies of the Rush Limbaugh show.

I LOVE THE FACT that you provably run the world's only pure US legal FREE SPEECH social site. All others have censorship of Jew naming, inciting hate thought against jews, inciting violent thought against jews , banning legal line art erotica, etc.

ALL OTHER SITES lack USA SCOTUS PROTECTED FREE SPEECH. All. All have censored even mere Jew Namers, like Gab used to before Jews enraged Gab.ai in 2021.

This site is now a TARGET of leftists.

This site is being dumbed down in stages on purpose.

Few high IQ people whom are not paid leftists will remain, and very few will ever join. This is because higher IQ people loathe hanging out in social groups with too few other high IQ members, as written about in many psychology texts , papers, and essays on the "intellectual chasm" (they all coin other euphemisms though).

millions of dollars a month spent by Soros and other jews ADL/SPLC/JIDF to ruin free speech social sites.

Billions of dollars are used to combat conservatives online. 18 billion MORE added to open all formerly White nations by just ONE of many jewish billionaires that Fund "ShareBlue" army of contractors.

George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation:

George Soros transfers $18 billion to his liberal philanthropic foundation:

billions to subvert USA (read up on 100 jewish leftist political organizations his money funds). Millions of it is used specifically to attack free speech web sites, and is proven.

ShareBlue paid jew leftists are real. ShareBlue (funded by jew billionaires) changes its name every couple years, : Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media.

They infest all sites where White people might congregate :



Read all of that link : https://shareblueastroturf.netlify.app/

That well funded group is what is attacking voat.xyz

EVERY comment I ever wrote last week was attacked because I NAME THE JEWS and provide the links to Soros ShareBlue money, by downvote brigader paid leftists.

Paid leftists are seeking to undermine the userbase of free speech sites like this one.

Merely BANNING POST-TOPIC-DOWNVOTING for 7 days to any "CCP-activity-determined-garbage account' that is caught DOWNVOTING a valid post less than 7 hours old in /News /Politics or /Funny and is deemed a non-spam on topic post, would repair this site in a few days, once builders congregate here again, or do not flee.

I have 4 other ideas but this one I list next involving no more rampant hidden downvoting would fix this site from mush of the paid leftists.


You already have code elements for a button that lists posts showing YOUR downvotes, so you can leverage it with a dialog and some tally code :

== If a person is downvoting a comment or post, and the user has downvoted that user MORE than 8 times in 24 hours, and the other user has not downvoted them in 24 hours, a confirmation message appears stating:

You have downvoted this user more than 8 times in the last 24 hours and they have not downvoted you at all in that time.
If you continue, the other users, including that person, will be able to review a list of posts and comments you downvoted of that person.
Those downvotes will not be anonymous again until over 24 hours since the downvote you are about to apply. Do you still want to continue? Yes, or No.

Whether or not its the 9th, or 30th short term downvote, the message should still pop up , as a dunning measure, and so they see the ramifications.

The above logic need not change any aspect of your current system, or interfere with any other rules or limits, but could be used to leak information by someone only temporarily downvoting just 9 times to toggle message and glean if target ever downvoted them in the last 24 hours.

A downvote would be a non-rescinded vote event for the above logic , not clicks.

The second half of the logic is a person being able to click on a dropdown list showing just names with a recent downvotes, and if they visit that account page, when you have time one day, a new button would be "list recent excessive downvotes". That would be meant for anyone to click on, and would be all the users they brigadeds content, not just one, that have not timed out (they never time out until 24 hours since no downvotes on a stalked target).

Anonymous downvote stalk brigades by alt shill accounts are your main issue currently. It is one main tool of the paid leftists to control /All and to slightly slide comments

That would fix it and if someone is proud of the service of their downvotes (spam ads, etc), then they should have no problem having their downvotes on someone made public for a short while.

An inverse of that could be for upvote of more than 50 upvotes of one user in 24 hours being made public.

system, you can still use your tar pit idea, but paid leftists are paid. They will just use more paid alts to spread their damaging effects.

I hope your unbanning, and hesitance to ban obvious paid leftists does not let this site run off the last of your builders.

At least you are trying some things addressing people tormenting users and going after content.

Just wait til the paid left starts using automated open source GPT-3 bots here in 4 months for 90% of each alts output. : https://www.voat.xyz/viewpost.php?postid=60e4ccbcded65

system, you absolutely will need banning as one tool to stop that final death blow of AI gibberish attacks on Free Speech sites.


EDIT : Just now this last hour the unbanned (Mumbleberry and his alt) have brigaded against /New content, including instantly downvoting three /Funny posts of mine! A minimum of 4 of them just now downvoted the comment you are reading this second!

THIS SITE IS FUCKED AGAIN by paid leftists!


This post was attacked and mocked by dozens on Reddit, some of whom came here TODAY :



Two of the glowniggers in that thread mocked me outing the US Gov using NSF and USPS to monitor and infiltrate this site.

NSF and USPS claims MOCKED by many on reddit to smear because my post was too short.

For the first time I omitted these two links about NSF money and USPS money used to combat "hate speech sites" (free speech sites) :

NSF Too? Yes, $ millions even for NSF to surf voat.xyz :


USPS too? Yes not just millions for NSF, but even the USPS monitors White Hate on social sites to allow access of FBI/NSA databases:


Fucking SBBH is posting links to here onto Reddit and getting Reddit leftists to come to voat.co to taunt me starting today, hopefully these reddit kikes get red pilled slowly. :


[ - ] Tallest_Skil 9 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:57:17 ago (+9/-0)

Hey, are you that person who everyone on Voat thought I was a sock puppet of? The one who would supposedly post massive walls of text for any given subject? I don’t remember his name. I never knew anything about him.

[ - ] MrPancake 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:49:13 ago (+2/-0)

He's alive! ^

[ - ] albatrosv15 9 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:31:00 ago (+9/-0)

Do you ever, ever go out?

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 9 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:28:42 ago (+14/-5)

Jesus fuck and they banned ME for "spam"...

[ - ] Rotteuxx 10 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:41:26 ago (+12/-2)

Shitty behavior begets shitty consequences.

Try acting like less of a nigger and more like a White man.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:55:12 ago (+7/-6)

You keep dodging this one.

How do you explain your behaviors fitting the profile of a pedophile as defined by counselors working with convicted sex offenders?


As seen in my collection of facts.


Yes, preach to me how I should behave...

[ - ] Rotteuxx 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:48:23 ago (+8/-2)

How do you explain yours exhibiting many symptoms of a psychotic individual? Which are a waster of time to argue with due to mental retardation.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:46:41 ago (+0/-0)

I love both of you niggers. Good to see familiar faces.

[ - ] gabara 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:40:31 ago (+1/-1)

Dude, everyone thinks it's funny you're still butthurt after 1.5 years after I one upped you and banned you from SBBH in a way you couldn't just undo yourself because you're one of those losers that can dish it out but CAN'T TAKE IT. You loser you.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:52:58 ago (+2/-1)*

Dude, do you have any idea how self absorbed you have to be to think that? Get over yourself ffs.

You're just a fucking loser who brings nothing of value to any community, should've stayed in your cult.

[ - ] gabara -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 19:04:52 ago (+0/-1)

Thanks for the new content, lolcow!

[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:15:41 ago (+1/-2)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety -3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 16:18:01 ago (+0/-3)

Then why avoid it? Something you fear?

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety -4 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:05:37 ago (+0/-4)

You know, you'd be a bit more convincing if you could provide, oh I don't know... Facts?

[ - ] Rotteuxx 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:14:48 ago (+4/-1)

Google is your friend, i ain't your bitch.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety -3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:28:04 ago (+0/-3)

Funny you mention that, how do you think I found your behavioral classification? lol

[ - ] Partyot 8 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:33:40 ago (+9/-1)

I find mentally ill women very attractive.

[ - ] try 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:37:08 ago (+3/-3)

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 11 (+21/-10)
votes given: 0 (+0/-0)


CCP 11?


[ - ] Partyot 5 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 07:31:08 ago (+6/-1)

Not Dial :)

Do you like Chinese food?

[ - ] MrPancake 7 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:48:45 ago (+7/-0)

Yes; lets not bring back gabara...

[ - ] deleted -2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:19:27 ago (+2/-4)


[ - ] Rotteuxx 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:37:21 ago (+4/-1)

It's more a question of asking gab to show us on the doll where his head met the floor when he was born.

[ - ] MrPancake 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 15:25:06 ago (+1/-0)

What is this? Some gender neutral doll?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 17:31:50 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] whostolemyusername 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:05:28 ago (+8/-2)*

Yeah this is absolutely retarded, ITs blatantly obvious they where trying to fuck with the site and they just let them back in, This is only going to chase away people who contribute to the site.

Edit so it begins "Antiliberalsociety 0 points 11 minutes ago

Go back to reddit if you need your safe space upheld. Why the fuck would you be paranoid about chat logs, least you're up to no good? Why not bitch about SearchVoat spying on your every move?"

[ - ] try 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:16:56 ago (+6/-4)*


Moments ago THREE out of THREE of my /Funny posts immediately got downvoted by the goons he let back in.

All the /New of people is being downvoted by paid leftists of Jew organizations to control /All top 25 topics 7 hours from now. They will upvote things that do not annoy Israel or Jews. They will downvote good news or politics too. They will upvote ANTI-Republican ANTI-Trump (zion don smears) +50, late tonight or tommorow. Jews seek to divide the Trump support base and its 100% paid leftists doing it here. The jews will upvote Nature picts, crochet (no offense), and stuff to tame the front page, and keep Jew Naming posts pegged at "0" the initial 3 hours of their posting.

I am not wrong.

Someone (Mumbleberry and one of his alts) is DOWNVOTING all my links to /Funny today immediately.
@system, the unbanned should not be downvoting what little good new posts. I was going to post 8 funnies and 2 originals of mine, but I will wait and see how this week unfolds.

Rapid auto-DOWNVOTES to /Funny, /News, /Politics need to be non-anonymous if from accounts that have excessive downvotes and LIMITED POSITIVE RATIO SCP themselves.

Why did all the paid leftists shills get unbanned and put back on this site?


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 4 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:58:56 ago (+7/-3)

[ - ] canbot 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:24:52 ago (+2/-0)

Retarded is an understatement. Stupidity like this is usually intentional. Coincidentally the cannary on another reddit clone website has disappeared and the active proprietor is MIA. Something is going down. There appears to be a crackdown on wrongthink.

[ - ] UncleDoug 4 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:19:12 ago (+4/-0)

lordbeatlejuice, gaysystemgay will be back to being banned in 48hrs.
They are fuck ups.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 17:30:53 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:57:11 ago (+5/-3)

account deleted by user

[ - ] try 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:02:47 ago (+4/-2)

This alt 'Cheeselane' was indeed banned, 95% certain I saw it myself. I guess it is not banned this day. The list includes anti-free-speech people, some are leftists, some are anti leftists, if you attack the builders in a stalker-like fashion, chances are that is how you got banned.

This is you :

scp: 0 (+0/-0)
ccp: 14 (+26/-12)
votes given: 0 (+0/-0)


CCP 14?


[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:05:23 ago (+6/-6)*

account deleted by user

[ - ] deleted 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:18:09 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Reawakened 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:04:43 ago (+2/-0)

"Naming of Jews"

Isn't that a Shakespeare play, "The naming of the jew"?

[ - ] gabara 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:35:15 ago (+1/-1)

Pfft, they don't pay me shit -- anymore. Cutbacks. Terminated me back in May. Now I work freelance for the Chinese and the North Koreans.

[ - ] try 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:45:34 ago (+1/-1)

[ - ] gabara 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:48:18 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah but no here, no on Reddit. They're having me downvote anything and everything with Any Schumer. I think it's obvious why.

[ - ] oldblo 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 15:24:11 ago (+0/-0)

Youre 1/10 of all the comments on your own. Have a cookie.

[ - ] NeedleStack 13 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:07:31 ago (+14/-1)

So you are unbanning users who had previously done site manipulation.. out of the goodness of your heart? The fuck? Vote manipulators should never be given safe harbor or 'clean slate second chances'.

This reeks of an illogical, emotional decision when we ought to have decisive leadership.

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:19:22 ago (+8/-2)

It's really funny actually. System is trying to invite back all of the users who left because they already figured out that he is untrustworthy. While at the same time, he's alienating all of the users who (for some reason) still trust him.

We called out his illogical emotional shit a month ago. The fuckery on the site happened because all of the autists simultaneously got a whiff of system's bullshit far in advance of everyone else and decided to trigger him into exposing himself for what he really is.

All of system's recent decisions have been based on emotional outbursts. And now he doesn't even have the composure to stand by those decisions.
When PuttItOut got really mad, he just went quiet and didn't take any immediate action. PuttItOut was a man.

[ - ] Cunt 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:39:03 ago (+6/-0)

When PuttItOut got really mad, he just went quiet and didn't take any immediate action.

Well now I know why Voat.co died: Putt's heart was about to give out from being mad 99.98% of the time.

[ - ] system [op] 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:00:48 ago (+2/-1)*

System is trying to invite back all of the users who left because they already figured out that he is untrustworthy.

And who would that be?

While at the same time, he's alienating all of the users

Changing the way authority is handled for the better doesn't alienate anyone.

who (for some reason) still trust him.

YOU don't trust me because I've been vocal about my dislike of a group you are a part of.

We called out his illogical emotional shit a month ago. The fuckery on the site happened because all of the autists simultaneously got a whiff of system's bullshit far in advance of everyone else and decided to trigger him into exposing himself for what he really is.

Again what are you talking about? When your friends left to goatpen? Is that what all this is about? I am happy you guys made a home there. I can't think of one sbbher who adds any value to this site, in fact you add negative value to it. You think WAY to highly of yourselves. This decision has nothing to do with you guys.

All of system's recent decisions have been based on emotional outbursts.

Dealing with sbbh's crap has been frustrating, if you want to call that emotional then, okay whatever.

And now he doesn't even have the composure to stand by those decisions.

Experimenting and trying different things for the best result is the reason this website exists. Trial and error is how I learn. It's not a perfect process but the end result can be something close to it.

When PuttItOut got really mad, he just went quiet and didn't take any immediate action.

I've considered being more quiet, definitely makes the job easier. I didn't take immediate action with SBBH or ALS. You guys have been at it for months.

PuttItOut was a man.

So much so that he couldn't tell us his site was shutting down until 3 days before.

You're the one being an emotional bitch.

[ - ] GhostCow 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:08:25 ago (+3/-1)

Letting back SBBH and Dial is a big mistake my friend. Dial got banned from old Voat for manipulation and here again for the same thing so he's already had his second chance. Just saying.

[ - ] system [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:15:12 ago (+1/-1)

Dial has been using many alts and VPNs anyway, this will not change that behavior, I'd love if he would just stick to one account, trust me.

[ - ] GhostCow 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 15:13:10 ago (+2/-0)

Personally I'd just keep banning him until he ran out of IP addresses but I'm pretty vindictive

[ - ] gabara 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:21:49 ago (+0/-0)

Dial gay.

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:23:11 ago (+0/-0)

system has a tiny penis.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 15:48:45 ago (+1/-1)

Browser ID bens? Most ppl are addicted to a browser and won't bother installing more.

[ - ] gabara -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:52:34 ago (+0/-1)

He told us more than a month before. You just didn't visit much near then end, Freshy.

[ - ] gabara 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:33:50 ago (+0/-0)

Actually the last time me and system hung out it ended kind of weird. We were gonna smoke weed together. I asked if he had papers, and he just ran off.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 21:40:08 ago (+1/-0)

gabara gay

[ - ] gabara 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:51:28 ago (+0/-0)

dial gay

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 22:46:29 ago (+1/-1)

@System is going to learn. He fucked up. He owned it. He ate the crow. Give him a break, he is on your team.

[ - ] chrimony 2 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 21:45:45 ago (+2/-0)

This is the third time he's fucked up since starting the site. Each time he's exposed his inner arrogance and desire to rule tyrannically. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times...

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 0 points 3.0 yearsSep 22, 2021 00:01:19 ago (+0/-0)

You sound like one of those retards from Patriots.win.

[ - ] MaryXmas 0 points 3.0 yearsSep 22, 2021 05:32:43 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, I am a retard. Not on .win though.

[ - ] gabara -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 14:38:20 ago (+0/-1)

You know I was told by several members of SBBH that you are a member of SBBH under a different alt. They may have been yanking my chain or you've turned your back on us. Don't you remember Trigglypuff defending tradwives and other crafting subs from the rogue shitposters and troll? For shame! <insert Abraham Simpson pic> Now if you'll excuse me this old bastard has to tie an onion to his belt and fold laundry.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 13 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:10:37 ago (+14/-1)

you should've just unbanned ALS and kept it as it is
now all the spammers and SBBH are back

[ - ] SaneGoatiSwear 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:50:55 ago (+6/-0)

It’s funny how everything in /new is suddenly being downvoated.

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:01:40 ago (+0/-0)

Someone downvoted Dial spam? Is this a new phenomenon?

[ - ] NationalSocialism 6 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:22:11 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 10 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:41:43 ago (+10/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 9 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 02:54:47 ago (+11/-2)

Now change the name back to Voat.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:07:15 ago (+3/-2)

Nein. Thou shalt not stain thy Voat name with this... Impostor.

[ - ] system [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 03:02:17 ago (+1/-1)

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 03:07:09 ago (+0/-0)

I did that hours ago.

[ - ] Stonkmar 5 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:50:44 ago (+5/-0)

Any chance Voat mode also keeps the voat bans in place?

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 5 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 09:30:58 ago (+6/-1)

Paving the way for Talk.lol Gold™ are we?

[ - ] Nosferatjew 5 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:13:44 ago (+5/-0)

Interesting. I think I might agree with this approach, as I've often questioned if banning users is either appropriate, or effective.

[ - ] try 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:25:53 ago (+4/-3)*

Then you are probably a paid leftist? (I am paranoid today and see shills everytime i blink)

ShareBlue is indeed infesting this site :


They are very well funded.

Only bans slow them down from complete leftist subversion. I listed a way in this thread to slow them down without banning by limiting rapid anonymous downvote brigading against one person.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 12:38:03 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] system [op] -1 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 13:00:10 ago (+0/-1)

Really shows what you know. Traffic has increased since the ruqqus drama. If you think you can shit up this place because of these changes you're wrong. Other measures are in place to prevent that. Because of this new system I've decided to unban the 8 or so people who were banned, I've already expressed my reasoning for that in the OP. Good day sir.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 13:03:13 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] system [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 13:04:43 ago (+0/-0)

Who was your friend?

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 13:09:06 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] system [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 13:50:28 ago (+0/-0)

I'm not a networking expert but I know the odds of that happening are extremely slim, but reasons like this are why I've made the changes I've made.

[ - ] Wahaha 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 08:50:06 ago (+5/-2)

Let's see how this works out.

Still think it would be cool if people whose only interaction with a subverse is downvoating would get that subverse auto-blocked for them.

[ - ] NosebergShekelman 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 19:00:35 ago (+2/-0)

Oy vey this like escaping from the gas chambers! A new lease on life for my fellow white people HUZZAH! Now we must bring diversity to Talk.lol otherwise Talk.lol will not survive. Shaloms💎✡️, niggerfaggots

[ - ] MartinTimothy 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 04:40:06 ago (+6/-3)*

That is a very egalitarian move - I went out at Reddit in 2016 as well I am gone from well over a hundred web forums, about the only thing that gets up my goat - if you will pardon the expression - here is the overuse of profanity .. your decision brings to mind Voltaire's famous passage, "I might disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Good luck.

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:41:05 ago (+5/-2)

account deleted by user

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 05:19:54 ago (+4/-4)

Thanks bitch cunt

[ - ] observation1 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:07:40 ago (+3/-1)

Vote manipulation and multiple alt accounts should result in a ban forever.

The epitome of what is wrong with society today is media peddling propaganda like street vendor wares.

Complainers about bans are only from alt-accounts of the "banee"

[ - ] system [op] 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:09:59 ago (+0/-0)

Alts are not against the rules here. Using those alts to vote yourself or other content multiple times is, which will result in a loss of voting rights on the account.

[ - ] observation1 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:12:55 ago (+2/-0)

implied to mean alts talking amongst themselves / voting the same content / or voting themselves up. gabara basically.

[ - ] kammmmak 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:22:26 ago (+2/-0)

I am happy for NewWorldEbola

[ - ] canbot 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:21:23 ago (+2/-0)

Is this deliberate sabotage?

[ - ] 2Drunk 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 07:42:56 ago (+2/-0)

Are you forgetting about the 6 grillion? There is no live and let live with the most evil things to ever exist. If your goal is tranny librarian day for school children, then by all means.

[ - ] Love240 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 03:36:10 ago (+2/-0)

Chat just got broken as soon as you said the last thing @system.

[ - ] PuttitoutIsGone 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:37:54 ago (+1/-0)

...and I get rocket badge?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 13:30:51 ago (+0/-0)

Thank you. I felt that some of the bans were excessive and I hope that this will be shown to be a good move and the folks granted a reprieve will use it productively. Err, most of them anyway.

The Poal banning and shadow ban system was incredibly arbitrary and I feel like many who were targeted had no idea why they were targetted and had no recourse and no appeal. There was no transparency. I was rate limited and grayed out and had my points subtracting negatively ad infinitem automatically. There was no explanation. There was no appeal. I never fucked around with alts or brigading or doxxing or trolling. There was a pettiness to Poals abuse of its users that surpassed reddit and FB.

I just want transparency when someone is banned or suspended. There should be consistent reasons for why someone is banned and they should be stated, preferably with evidence and all users should be made aware when it has happened. None of the skullduggery of Poal where someone is just memory holed and no one notices they are gone for 3 weeks. AOU is a CUNT.

TLDR TRANSPARENCY of the banning and suspensions, NOTIFICATION to the community and specific cause given. Ideally this should be as objective and DISPASSIONATE a process as possible, which is difficult when someone is an ass, but necessary.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 17:59:04 ago (+2/-0)

This will never happen. It's still a bait and switch. He just undid the bans because of the backlash of his own actions. He showed his hand, the mask slipped. He is still just as petty as he was before, but he can't afford to lose the userbase as the site is too new. My gut tells me he received coaching and was told to tone it down or else people will jump ship, and they were. HDL left en masse, taking all their good content with them. I stopped contributing because, why help a site who's admin tells users to literally go fuck themselves and to kill themselves?

It's no different than before my ban, he's just trying to hide it. He will go back to it again. Power is like a drug, and he's hooked. He hasn't apologized, admitted he was wrong, or even taken "the community" seriously. Look at how he poses his sentences; it's all "I" "me" "my site" instead of identifying with the people who make it. He won't give transparency like we had on Good Voat because he'd be ratting himself out to people like me when he's up to shady shit. Puttitout would at least admit he was wrong.

Don't fall for it again. Fool me once, shame on you, as they say...

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 18:38:48 ago (+0/-0)

Between you and mikenigger and try and the banhammer faggots, Ive had it.

I don’t agree with the shit you are pulling with blumen.

It seems as though there is no action that would satisfy you. If thats the case you should probably move on.

Maybe this is all a ruse and system is just biding his jew time until his next jew move.Dunno. I guess we’ll see. But I argued that your ban was heavy handed and he reversed it. That satisfies me for now.

All you guys need to simmer the fuck down. If I believed any single one of you, you’d have me believe all the others are jewish glowniggers. Its not going to be everything you want. You can’t have it all your way, ya spergy bastard.

Now go for a fucking walk or something. You are too close to this. You are all sounding alike at this point. Think about that. Just take a break and get some perspective.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 19:32:16 ago (+2/-0)

I think you could take your own advice, you seem awfully worked up about it. You don't like it? Fucking block it and move on. You think this all happened in the course of a conversation? This ALL could have been solved by a simple enforcement of the rules with consistency, which is all I asked for. I exposed the fact that he doesn't, he cherry picks, and you should know by now what I do to frauds. He stole the Voat name to lure in the userbase on the premise of free speech, only to flip on us. Don't get mad that I forced his mask off early.

Are you even aware of the shit Blumen4pedos was peddling? Did you see the picture he had deleted? If not then you can kindly shut the fuck up on the matter, your opinion is moot. If you did see it and you don't object to that shit, you're no better than they are by turning a blind eye to child exploitation - which is what that is. He blatantly broke rule 7 but because they're buddies, "hey it's all good brah!" - Yeah no, fuck that shit.

You object to frivolous bans but you still can't handle a free speech environment.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 21:34:50 ago (+1/-0)

Is the pic you are refering to the one with the little girl with the braids and the creepy illuminati symbols around her? I didn’t really think that rose to the definition of CP. Sorry.

No Im not going to shut the fuck up on the matter. Ill continue to offer my opinion which you thought was just fine when I argued that you should not be banned. I don’t know why me telling you and the others maximizing this drama to cool it is encroaching on your free speech. Im encouraging you to have some restraint. I thought you didn’t believe in free speech anyway. I thought blumen was the one advocating free speech. I need a score card for this shit.

I once again urge you to take a day off from the keyboard warrior thing.

[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 08:53:40 ago (+1/-0)

Is the pic you are refering to the one with the little girl with the braids and the creepy illuminati symbols around her?

No, that wasn't deleted. It was a group of underaged girls 12-16 nude. Cynabuns deleted it.

I didn’t really think that rose to the definition of CP. Sorry.

Nor did I, but he likes to walk that line and it was in violation of rule 7. Then he doubled down and did it again with a nude woman & child (not a drawing). It's when they flipped I took issue with it.

No Im not going to shut the fuck up on the matter. Ill continue to offer my opinion which you thought was just fine when I argued that you should not be banned.

Fair enough, you just look like a dumbass for spouting off that opinion without all the facts.

I don’t know why me telling you and the others maximizing this drama to cool it is encroaching on your free speech.

Umm, because I got fucking banned for talking about it?

Im encouraging you to have some restraint.

On child exploitation? Oh gee I wonder why?

I thought you didn’t believe in free speech anyway. I thought blumen was the one advocating free speech. I need a score card for this shit.

Again you don't have all the facts and look stupid for piping in. If you didn't care to some degree you wouldn't be bothering with me now, would you...

I once again urge you to take a day off from the keyboard warrior thing.

Likewise. I don't even know what your objective is, it's just noise without any purpose or cause.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 21:58:29 ago (+1/-0)

Is the pic you are refering to the one with the little girl with the braids and the creepy illuminati symbols around her?

I inquired about this some time ago, and Blumen gave me references to the pic ALS is talking about. I can confirm that it was nude underage girls (at least some of them). There was a group of them naked with their arms stretched up touching the ceiling, showing off their boobs. Even Blumen admitted some of them were probably underage. This was my response to him:

"That's a really stupid photo to post and comment to make, to boot. You think a bunch of naked girls, standing with their arms stretched to the ceiling to highlight their tits, isn't "sexual in any way" (your words)? And you even admit, "some of them are probably under 18" (again your words)?

I could forgive a moment of foolishness, but here you are over a year later still defending it. And if I were you, I'd avoid posting anything that could even be remotely considered sexualized children in any way. What is worth posting to risk that stigma? Nothing."

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 22:32:42 ago (+0/-0)

Well thats troubling. Lets hope thats the end of that sort of behavior from him. I didn’t find the pics ALS had posted very troubling but totally nude under 18, ugh. Disappointing.

I just want an end to the drama. I defended ALS when he was banned and somehow he is mad at me and thinks Im a bitch. Mikenigger thinks Im a bitch for defending him. I defended try who apparently also thinks Im a bitch. I can’t remember why. Basically its just like my real life.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 3 yearsSep 5, 2021 06:18:19 ago (+0/-0)

I defended ALS when he was banned and somehow he is mad at me and thinks Im a bitch.

He's mad because you told him to stop doing what got him banned. As you now know, his beef with Blumen has more substance than just a weird piece of art featuring a little girl. And his beef with TexasVet involved real substance too. I'm not going to say if he's right or wrong taking the actions he does, but I am going to say posting/chatting obsessively about an issue he feels strongly about should not be a bannable offense. AOU's little sister made a pretense at leniency, but it's only leniency if ALS complies with his definition of "spam". I've asked over and over when Jews and niggers are going to receive the "spam" protection on fauxVoat. No answer.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 3 yearsSep 5, 2021 07:14:31 ago (+0/-0)

but I am going to say posting/chatting obsessively about an issue he feels strongly about should not be a bannable offense

I agree. But its annoying af. I dont know what TV did and I don’t want to at this point.

There just needs to be consistent rules. You know, I don’t know what system’s motives are. But it doesnt seem like there’s anything he could do that would earn him credit for being good.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 3 yearsSep 6, 2021 20:35:25 ago (+0/-0)

I dont know what TV did and I don’t want to at this point.

I believe it involved grifting and some CIA glow-nigger shit. Some shady shit, anyways.

You know, I don’t know what system’s motives are. But it doesnt seem like there’s anything he could do that would earn him credit for being good.

All he had to do was not take admin action over drama. And the way he justified it each time by exposing his arrogance and inner asshole admin showed he was, at heart, AOU's little sister.

[ - ] MaryXmas -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 22:49:06 ago (+0/-1)

Didn't strozie have her tits posted somewhere? I saw some tits that were attributes to her but they were very average.

[ - ] account deleted by user -2 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 06:04:23 ago (+1/-3)

account deleted by user

[ - ] mikenigger 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 10:19:40 ago (+6/-3)

this gay comment was brought to you by dial.

dial. gay.

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:06:45 ago (+3/-0)

Since you denegrate SBBH at every opportunity, why are you using their memes every chance you get?

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:10:27 ago (+3/-2)

sue me

[ - ] ShitsInHoneypots 3 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 11:19:49 ago (+3/-0)

Meme stealer! You are a bad man!

[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:25:10 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:22:59 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 12:22:23 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 0 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 19:42:07 ago (+1/-1)

Blumen4pedos out of the closet pedo

[ - ] deleted -1 points 3 yearsSep 3, 2021 21:28:42 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] Antiliberalsociety 1 point 3 yearsSep 4, 2021 08:57:09 ago (+1/-0)

Keep reusing my memes lol. Here, toss this one around while you're at it:
