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Beginner tutorial in Scherenschnitte (the German art of paper cutting)

submitted by NeedleStack to ArtsAndCrafts 2.9 yearsJul 25, 2021 13:11:15 ago (+7/-0)     (weefolkart.com)


This is a basic tutorial to get you started on the craft.

Here are examples of some intricate and beautiful works:


"Scherenschnitte Design by Arlene France, Lititz, PA. The art of "Scherenschnitte", or scissors cutting, is an old German-Swiss art done originally by the religious orders and brought to the U.S. by the Pennsylvania-Dutch immigrants in the 1700's.":


1 comments block

Zinnsee 1 points 2.9 years ago

There is also a fun way for kids to make Scherenschnitte:

Fold a paper up many times. Then take a scissor and cut random triangles (doesn't have to be triangles, get creative here) out of the folded up paper. Unfold the paper and admire the art you just created.