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This version of Voat is infiltrated by a massive amount of jews, and reddit snopes faggots. Look at this snopes faggot named "try" who goes around "fact checking" everything posted as if he's god.

submitted by Monica to whatever 2.9 yearsJul 17, 2021 11:02:05 ago (+40/-3)     (www.voat.xyz)*


Dude is full of himself and comes off like a snopes, reddit fagggot.

Examples of his reddit/snopes style bullshit:

"not true in this well sourced book"

"OP is mostly correct based on thousands of science studies, and historical studies."

"Hardly ANY of them are capable of menstruation the month of an Olympic event based on lots of science research of top tier competitive females."

"He is correct in many of those facts "

"In fact I find no major mistakes made in that video, "

"no. not true in current world."

"NOT CONVINCED until verified.

I hate wasting time here, having to "play doctor" for you guys on voat.xyz but..."

"Vitamin D is a dangerous vitamin, and because of crazy loons that take too much, it was quickly discovered in many science studies the last 4 years.

take all the stuff you want to ... most get pissed out, but stay clear of Vitamin D."

Dude is straight up bullshit. He pretends in order to fit in then spams his fake "sourced research" all over the place.

81 comments block

gabara 0 points 2.9 years ago
