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Better Project64 Settings

submitted by Bludvarg to oneangrygamer 3.0 yearsJun 28, 2021 22:41:00 ago (+5/-0)     (oneangrygamer)*

While we're waiting on the Element problem to be fixed, I decided to finally do something about the subpar settings I was using in Project64. (I MIGHT even actually get around to finishing Castlevania 64 like I've been meaning to).

I had been using the default Jabo plugins, which work well enough for most games, if not perfectly, but I was getting all sorts of shitty-looking textures and audio pops.

Turns out what I needed to do was download the Glide64 graphics plugin (the setup of which uses a wrapper file, so that took a little troubleshooting too) and the Shunyuan's HLE Audio pack plugin for sound. Both work really well (here's the fixed HUD https://files.catbox.moe/tdfplj.png), though the main menu of Castlevania 64, which uses a kind of magnifying glass-styled look, doesn't load right (https://files.catbox.moe/wyysp4.png). However, the exact same type of menu (Options from the in-game pause menu) works as intended. Not too big a deal, but something that should be noted. As far as the audio goes, I didn't test too much, but the audio pops seem to be completely gone.

As I understand it, this graphics plugin also apparently supports hi-res imported textures, so I'm wanting to test out Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness for that.

(Oh good, it did work. That last version of Voat wouldn't let you post a new topic if you were brand new.)

10 comments block

Bludvarg 0 points 3.0 years ago

I'll still have to play through Carrie's story before I consider this game completely done, but I don't think that will be too much of a problem. Most of the game is shared levels and I know how to get past the mandragora/nitro puzzle that gives so many people problems (it's really not that hard, certainly not as bad as AVGN lets on). I could do it in Legacy of Darkness, and I do intend to go through that game as well, but I'd rather have this particular set of save files completed first (yes, including both second costumes. I've already gotten one. https://files.catbox.moe/j5m0we.png )

I already mentioned a few days ago that the next N64-era game I'll be doing is Megaman 64, but Mystical Ninja Goemon has also caught my eye. I know that series is pretty long-running, but I've never even tried it. Oh, and remember that line about trannies in that fan translation of Goemon 3 (https://media.nichegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/27075535/Goemon-3-01-27-2020-3.jpg), the one that got SJWs all upset? Turns out there's a similar situation in the N64 game, also in relation to okama. The US version just uses the much more tame "weirdos" (https://legendsoflocalization.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/goemon-okama-weirdo-thumbnail.jpg), but I understand the Japanese version outright calls them fags.