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Jewish Woman Who Sought to Prove Justice System Was 'Racist Against Blacks', Stabbed to Death by Black Male in Chicago

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 3.0 yearsJun 24, 2021 01:48:51 ago (+55/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)


Jun. 23, 2021

Anat Kimchi, a 31-year-old Israeli-born doctoral candidate and scholar at the University of Maryland, wrote a paper published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology in 2019 attempting to prove America's criminal justice system was racist against "young black offenders" and "black drug offenders."

While visiting Chicago over the weekend, Kimchi was ambushed and stabbed in the back and neck while walking near a homeless encampment at 401 South Wacker at around 3:35 p.m. Police said witnesses told them the assailant was a homeless "slim black male with long dreadlocks who wore a red bandana and a blue tank top," CWB Chicago reported.


25 comments block

Love240 0 points 3.0 years ago

And that is how the jew do. The higher the jewish population, the higher the incidence of 'mental illness'.