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Caught dinner in my little creek.

submitted by ruck_feddit to Homesteading 3 yearsMay 25, 2021 23:38:28 ago (+19/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


The kids said they saw a turtle. They didn't say it was a large goddamn snapping turtle. I won't have a scale until tomorrow. Size 12 boot, so make your predictions on the weight.

58 comments block

I cleaned her out on veggies for 2 weeks and ate the turtle tonight. I counted the rings and she was at least 100 years old. I was happy to fry her up. I bet she was carrying 300 eggs that would have easily hatched into more turtles.

If you do or don't believe any of that stupidity, you're still a faggot and I'm still full of fried turtle.