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Alright, this is TheBuddha...

submitted by TheRealBuddha to Guitar 3.1 yearsApr 24, 2021 18:46:02 ago (+8/-2)     (Guitar)

Someone has my username. I'm told that was specifically prohibited, but here we are.

Many of the guitarists have joined here.

I am still on Poal.

The reason I am on Poal is because of longevity. I have no idea if this edition of Voat will have the longevity that I require for moving the thread here.

As such, I am officially asking if I need to fund this site.

I really don't want to, but I really want people to still have the guitar thread and it appears that the rest of you are too inept to start a guitar thread and keep it going on your own.

So, do I need to cover the expenses here to ensure longevity? Do I need to pay to keep the site running? If so, how much is it and to whom should I be paying it?

48 comments block

MrPim 0 points 3.1 years ago

That's nice. He can stay at Poal. I can get hundreds if not thousands of cover songs at youtube. Some of those are actually interesting pieces of music.