Look at this. Reminding you there was a slew of vehicular attacks by niggers in Chicago in 2021. When they disreported that the waukesha driver was running from police, it was out of habit of running cover for these cases.      (www.google.com)
submitted by Dindu to Niggers 1 week ago (+10/-0)
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There were five of these in a very short period right on my streets, which I consider from Irving to Belmont to be my streets. So I started paying attention and noticed them releasing these kids who were stealing cars and running people over on purpose. It was always reported as an accident.

When the big one happened I was not surprised they ran cover immediately for this guy. Just like in hospitals they report to someone above them and are told what to do. This is so much bigger than Watergate or Catholic priest rape it's insane. Our institutions are practiced in war against us and they're protected in courts, media, all of it.
Is this well known or just the filthy Kikes slipping another one past us?     (www.google.com)
submitted by Swej_Ehtsag to whatever 2 weeks ago (+4/-1)
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There isn't even a semblance of equal justice.
Marty Balin - Hearts (1981)     (www.google.com)
submitted by paul_neri to VoatFmRadio 2 weeks ago (+1/-0)