I just received this as a gift     (cdn.shopify.com)
submitted by HughBriss to whatever 2.4 years ago (+15/-2)
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Please don't jump to conclusions. I'm more amused than anything else. Here's the context:

This is a well-intentioned gift from my mother. She's a Jehovah's Witness. They tend to be fairly sympathetic to jews for reasons I don't understand. She also appreciates some aspects of jewish culture (particularly performance, such as music and theater), although she's quite aware of their reputation as greedy and obnoxious. I think she just overlooks that part to quiet her cognitive dissonance. She has no idea of the disgust and hatred I feel toward the fucking kikes, and she never will.

I will never talk to her about the JQ. She's in her 90s, and I see no reason to bring any unpleasantness to our relationship. She's just delighted that at long last I returned to God and Christianity (not the JWs, though), and that's how I want it to stay. I love my mom, she's a sweet lady, and the less she knows, the better.

On the plus side, at least it's Belgian chocolate, which I think is the finest anywhere.
@Cynabuns great tits     (cdn.shopify.com)
submitted by AloisH to Cynaboobs 2.8 years ago (+3/-2)
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