Olympian Tearful That She May Never Have a Family     (www.totalprosports.com)
submitted by TheSpiceMelange to whatever 1.8 years ago (+3/-0)
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I was thinking of putting this in KEK, or maybe thotpatrol, but this isn't funny. It is sad. This is woman who, in all likelihood, had little to no control over the direction of her life (few Olympic athletes do). And now that she enters the years meant for raising and caring for a family, she finds her home barren. It is tragic.

This is a future I fear for many of our women. It is a future I fear for myself. But I am a 20-something man of vigor and have no biological clock to contend with. Still, while you can't save them all, it is our duty as men to take a wife and to give ourselves completely to her. If only she was 15 years younger.
AugustineOfHippo2 knows that the key to a race is getting a good jump off the line     (www.totalprosports.com)
submitted by cyclops1771 to soapdoxbanhammer 2.2 years ago (+2/-2)
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