WHITE GENOCIDE: 'Finland started offering Covid vaccines to children between the ages of 12 and 15 on Monday, and the decisions of whether or not to receive the vaccine are left to the children themselves.' PARENTS HAVE NO SAY!     (www.theusexpressnews.com)
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Finland started offering Covid vaccines to children between the ages of 12 and 15 on Monday, and the decisions of whether or not to receive the vaccine are left to the children themselves.

Twelve years Otto Suksi from the city of Vantaa was among the first in her age group to register for the vaccine.

“I read in [newspaper] Helsingin Sanomat that vaccinations are offered to my peer group. I immediately told my mom that I wanted to take it as soon as possible. If I get [Covid], it won’t be too serious, ”he said.

His mother did not object to her son’s decision.

This choice is, at least in principle, left to some 250,000 young Finns in the 12-15 age group.

After brief consultations, healthcare professionals will determine whether children are capable of making such decisions, based on their age as well as their level of development, depending on their age. Hanna nohynek, vaccinologist and chief medical officer at the Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

“It depends on the maturity of the child, if he understands what is at stake and if he wants to make the decisions for himself. If the social worker determines that a child is mature enough and wants to make the decision , then he will be treated accordingly, ”Nohynek said.

According to the country’s patient law, people have the right to decide on medical treatment for themselves. The problem must therefore be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, she explained.

“Children are very different in terms of developmental levels. Of course, age gives an indication, but it’s not the only factor,” she said.

During the vaccine consultation, healthcare workers will explain to young people what they are vaccinated against, what the effects of Covid-19 are, as well as describe what the vaccine will do in terms of effectiveness and its potential harms

“Children are asked if they understood these things and if they have any questions. If they do, they will be answered,” she continued.

Another 12 year old boy from Vantaa, Nooa Kaukinen, was the second person his age to register for the jab.

“I had to read things about immunization and sign a form. [The document] explained the possible symptoms after vaccination, ”she said.

If a young person is unwilling or unable to decide to get a Covid vaccine, a parent or guardian should do it for them, in writing or orally, Chief Medical Officer Nohynek said.

“However, in the majority of cases, the decision [of kids and their parents] is common – the child decides but also wants the approval of his parents. It is less common for a child to want to make the decision on their own, ”she said.

“If the parents want their child to be vaccinated but the child does not, we try to reach an agreement through negotiation,” Nohynek said, adding that no one is forcibly vaccinated in Finland.

In an interview with Yle last week, the Ombudsman for Children, Elina Pekkarinen, said children and young people should be offered reliable and understandable information when making decisions about vaccinations. She added that children should also be given the opportunity to talk about the matter, especially if there are disagreements about it with their parents.

“No one should be pressured to get the vaccine, while at the same time no one should be forced to refuse it. The child has the right to self-determination, it is a matter of his body and he must be able to make decisions independently., ”she said.