GTA 6 trailer date announced: Dec. 5. I can't wait for everyone to see this woke mess of leftist kike bullshit and to then watch the backlash     (www.rockstargames.com)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to gaming 5 months ago (+37/-0)
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Rockstar gaymes recently released a pic of employees and it was a bunch of feminist women.

Many important people were shoved out of rockstar after RDR2 with complaints of "frat boy culture" and replaced by jews. We are getting ready to witness the death of Rockstar games. The jews did the same thing with Naughty Dog studios with TLOU2 and inserted a jewess demon wearing israeli jewelry into the game and killed of the main white protag. Then you get to fuck a tranny in the ass. The jews wet dream is to do the same thing to Rockstar gaymes and now the time is here.

I can't wait to start seeing all the videos pointing out the fucked up jewish leftist shit and how GTA6 is a major downgrade from previous versions as we all know these retards cannot code for shit. again, the important people were just forced out of Rockstar in a jewish takeover. One of the protags in GTA6 is a latino woman. i would bet we have to buy tampons and suck big black dicks in cutscenes. Guarantee we will have to march in a gay pride and guard it against Nazi right-wingers. Rockstar said that they will no longer "punch down" but I bet its nothing but an assault against rural white people of Florida while they hold niggers, latino's and jews high on a pedestal. This will be a great tool to show the young kids the war that is being waged against white people.