What's with all the German headlines here today? Ah well, here's another - German TV Presenter Pushes For Mandatory Vaccination – Then Collapses Live On-Air - SAFE AND EFFECTIVE - LOL!      (www.newswars.com)
submitted by lord_nougat to Newsofthestupid 2.3 years ago (+45/-0)
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Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions - just think what diversity can do for entire nations!      (www.newswars.com)
submitted by lord_nougat to ConsumeProduct 1.5 years ago (+44/-0)
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CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Jab As “Unvaccinated”      (www.newswars.com)
submitted by allahead to whatever 2.8 years ago (+39/-0)
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'Holohoax survivor' openly admits: We jews were better off in Hitler's Third Reich than in today's lockdown Britain!     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by TFS to news 3.2 years ago (+32/-0)
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"A 93-year-old Holocaust survivor condemned the COVID-19 lockdowns and mask mandates, calling the oppressive environment “worse” than Nazi Germany.

Speaking to a crowd of anti-lockdown protesters in the United Kingdom over the weekend, the woman explained that the excessive lockdowns and COVID measures like masks are even more “insidious” than the social environment Jews experienced leading up to the Holocaust...

“I would like to tell you that this is worse,” she continued. “It is more insidious, it concerns more people, and there is a hypocrisy in the public narrative that is absolutely unbearable: to say that, ‘we’re doing this to protect the old."...

She added that watching people “defile their children with masks” was unbearable to witness."
Member when Obama met with most of big tech?! PEPPERIDGE FARM MEMBERS!!!     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to PepperidgeFarmRemembers 1.5 years ago (+21/-0)
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Funny how this seems much more relevant now with twatter leaking out the blacklisting, cancelling and manipulation with the government, dnc, FBI and msm in full cooperation with weekly meetings and more.

Looks like Elon has some inside dirt on the Obama era treason that he is revealing!

Could this explain why Apple, Amazon, Starbucks and the New York Times are all having a 24hr strike?

Are the order followers scared they could have consequences for following criminal orders? Are these corporations losing control of the little people that do the work?!

The actions of these people affected elections, pandemic response, deaths, human trafficking, treason, crimes against humanity and war crimes!!!

And here is obama setting that all up!
A top insurance research analyst has found a 7% aggregate mortality increase for each COVID vaccine dose received, meaning a “fully vaccinated” individual who took 5 doses increased their risk of death by 35%.     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by obvious to DeathVax19 1.3 years ago (+15/-1)
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"the more doses on average you have in a region in the U.S., the bigger increase in mortality that region has had in 2022 when compared to 2021"
Safe and effective!!
Massive crowd shouts "Pedophiles!" At the gates of Buckingham Palace two weeks before the queen dies! Msm completely silent!!!     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to UpliftingNews 1.7 years ago (+13/-2)
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The royals are not looking to comfy of late.

Charles becoming king just made it all worse. The people loved Diana and hate him and his creepy family that are constantly surrounded by pedophiles.

Charles will not be king for long. He should have passed up the crown and let William be king. But he is so unpopular that this will likely happen with some health related excuse given.

William is a massive cunt too. He runs serco which is corrupt as hell and exploits UK and USA government contracts for profit while this company shits on the most vulnerable people. So he is just like the rest of the Royal wankers. But he hasn't been photographed with countless pedophiles like the rest of them.

Either way the royal family are in a position where they won't be able to retain their power and influence for very much longer.
Fauci, a Proven Liar, Claims Babies, Toddlers Need to Be Vaccinated for Herd Immunity; Touts 2022 as Viable Timeline; Dismisses Notion That mRNA Vaccines Could Alter Genetics of Kids. Kary Mullis Noble Prize Winner for 'PCR' Stated Fauci Is a Fraud.      (www.newswars.com)
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Depopulation 3.2 years ago (+9/-0)
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National School Boards Association Asks Biden To Treat Angry Parents Like “Domestic Terrorists”      (www.newswars.com)
submitted by allahead to whatever 2.7 years ago (+6/-0)
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A letter sent to Joe Biden by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is requesting that parents who are upset about mask and vaccine mandates be deemed domestic terrorists.

The paranoid educators think school board meetings need protection from “DOJ and Homeland Security departments as well as the FBI.”

The letter reads, “NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center3 regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses.”
French climate protestors tossed like rag dolls     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by Version6 to whatever 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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Leftist Activists in France Requisition House Belonging to Elderly Couple to House Refugees     (www.newswars.com)
submitted by boekanier to WorldNews 1.4 years ago (+2/-0)
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