Oklahoma wants their money      (www.newson6.com)
submitted by Gowithit to Rants 1.8 years ago (+5/-0)

We allowed ourselves two hours a day half an hour here half an hour there on the generator to see what was in the news when it finally came back.

A few months in and I remember because I was yelling at the TV

There was " extra money" so let's have a discussion on what we should use it on. These fucking newscasters were talking about what they thought the " extra money" should go on.

What extra money???? You fucking monkeys!!! And here we are .

I mean I'm seeing the whole grid is fucked still but if this is the company that brought back the power then they are the best people in the world.

Hahaha maybe they should ask whitefish. Because if that wasn't a fucking crock.
Shine Drags White Woman By Her Purse Out Of Tulsa Store.     (www.newson6.com)
submitted by DirectPressure to Niggers 2.9 years ago (+21/-0)
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