Florida cities fly Pride flags after the GOP’s failed attempt to ban them     (www.lgbtqnation.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 1 week ago (+3/-0)
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Fake narrative being pushed that the Target satanic LGBT products were not real. AI generated images of satanic Target displays used as cover for the very real satanic LGBT products     (www.lgbtqnation.com)
submitted by Glowbright to whatever 1 year ago (+11/-1)

This article is not aimed at us or the general public. This was targeted at their LGBT base. They know they went a little too far even for some of the groomers and are trying to pretend it did not happen at all.
Ted Cruz’s daughter comes out as bi and attacks her fathers “far right” views on TikTok     (www.lgbtqnation.com)
submitted by jewsbadnews to ClownWorld 2.4 years ago (+19/-0)
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To all you guys who complain about women astronauts - well, the first pansexual, EVER, has now travelled to space     (www.lgbtqnation.com)
submitted by dulcima to ClownWorld 2.5 years ago (+6/-0)
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