Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Reviewed by George Orwell pdf - The translator presents Hitler in a kindly light, he had crushed the German labour movement for which the property owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything and said "National Socialism is merely a version of Conservatism     (www.armyupress.army.mil)
submitted by RexYehudi to books 2 months ago (+8/-1)
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When one compares Hitler’s utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his world-view doesn’t develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvers of power politics.

Probably in his own mind, the Russo-German Pact represents no more than an alteration of time-table. The plan laid down in Mein Kampf was to smash Russia first, with the implied intention of smashing England afterwards. Now, as it has turned out, England has got to be dealt with first, because Russia was the more easily bribed of the two. But Russia’s turn will come when England is out of the picture. George Orwell @ Army.mil pdf.

There are serious reasons to believe much of the text of Mein Kampf was ghost written by Winston Churchill, considering similarities in WC's four volume tome A History of the English Speaking Peoples pdf .. we are working on this story and will present it in due course, despite it would be just as easy to say Churchill stole H's diction in the first place.