Are you are proud to be unvaccinated? Make connections with like-minded, health-conscious, mRNA-free humans.... Unjected is the world’s first and largest COVID-19 unvaccinated platform      (unjected.com)
submitted by bossman131 to random 3 months ago (+13/-1)
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Unjected a social network for the unvaxxinated     (unjected.com)
submitted by nibnab to SocialMedia 1.6 years ago (+30/-3)
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I was a intensely skeptical when I first learned of this social network for nonvaccinated people. Obvious concern if it's a honey pot. The more I've thought about it, I am thinking it's actually a great idea. I have many semi-based friends but 90%+ of them are straight up vaxtards. At this point it's so obvious that it's a quasi-genocide that I have little in common with them. I think obviously (they) already know who the anti-vaxxers are, so there is little point trying to hide. May as well take the opportunity to meet as many other rational humans as possible. Apple and Google already removed the app but it has a web client. What really won me over is watching the interview with one of the founders Shelby Thompson. Honestly, at this point, why not.

Her interview on Rebel News is here: