The Suspicious Death of Senator Paul Wellstone Who With His Wife and Daughter Died in a Plane Crash in Minnesota Oct. 25, 2002 - He had taken a strong stance against the war in Iraq and wanted to investigate 9/11 .. then VP Richard Cheney had allegedly warned Wellstone of "severe ramifications     (ratical.org)
submitted by RexYehudi to conspiracy 1.1 years ago (+7/-1)
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Who Murdered Senator Paul Wellstone?.

Quora How strong are the facts supporting the notion that Senator Paul Wellstone was assassinated? Vice President Cheney told Senator Wellstone there would be severe ramifications against him and the state of Minnesota if he continued to oppose the Bush Administration on the war against Iraq.

American Assassination: The Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone, by Four Arrows and James H. Fetzer - Senator Paul Wellstone was the first 1960s radical elected to the U.S. Senate. In his re-election race in 2002, the White House hand-picked Norm Coleman to run against him and the GOP poured in the funds. But Coleman still trailed the populist Wellstone in the late days of the campaign.

Then tragedy struck. Ten days before the election Wellstone was killed in the mysterious crash of his small aircraft, to this day the public mourns the loss. Some harbor suspicions. And some remember how the media blamed the weather. In American Assassination, two Ph.D. Professors, James Fetzer and Don "Four Arrows" Jacobs, prove that the weather did not kill Senator Wellstone, his wife and children, on that morning in October.

Nor were the two pilots incompetent, as per the later claims of the bumbling National Transportation Safety Board. With a scientific investigation, logical analysis, and a ruthless dismantling of the official story, American Assassination confirms the worst fears of a nation: Senator Paul Wellstone was murdered. At the time 69% of Minnesotans polled said they had a hunch a "GOP Conspiracy" was at play in his death. American Assassination confirms that the people had it right all along.


Israel Did 9/11 - As far as is known Paul Wellstone is the only established political figure ever to question the official 911 fable.