Galloway’s Rochdale Victory is an Establishment Trap – OffGuardian      (off-guardian.org)
submitted by doginventer to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+1/-0)
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faggot asks : Did the CoNvid Psyop Fail?     (off-guardian.org)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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this comment from a zerohedger sums it up for me:

No, it did not fail.
It was a success scaring most of the population into thinking their government(s) were their saviours, from both sickness and people (even from their own country) crossing national and state borders.
From the perspective of many, the governments were justified in forbidding their own citizens from leaving their country (even when they were not sick), returning to their country (even when they were not sick), restricting movements within their own country (even by people who were not sick), imprisoning people (e.g. insisting upon "quarantine") even when people were not sick, shutting down business they decide are not "essential", not permitting people to leave their own homes, or requiring them to stay within a certain distance of their own home, or forbidding them to spend time in the sun, or forbidding them to exercise outside.

That is, many more people are now brainwashed that there there is nothing wrong with significant government over-reach.
Moving Toward a Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced to a (Unipolar ?)Prison and a Digital Gulag     (off-guardian.org)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Technocracy 1 year ago (+0/-1)

Using the fake “COVID virus” narrative as cover, the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world’s wealth have sharply accelerated their longstanding plan to create a single global empire that is completely under their command.

This single global empire will ultimately employ the services of all the transnational institutions on the planet in order to regulate and control every aspect of human life.

It is a global empire run by an exclusive club, perhaps 8,000 to 10,000 strong, whose members do not pledge allegiance to any national flag, who snobbishly view themselves as superior to their countrymen, and who are indifferent to political ideology so long as they can control the political structure from within. They aim to erase all national borders and are well on their way to shredding the constitutions of every nation-state.