James O’Keefe Is on Paid Leave From Project Veritas     (nymag.com)
submitted by Scyber to whatever 1.3 years ago (+40/-2)
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Right after the Pfizer expose.
WTF. Who (((REALLY))) owns Project Veritas?

I seriously thought he owned this company & it's just a small group of independent and undercover journalists.
The Last Chance to Learn Jeffrey Epstein’s Secrets Closes     (nymag.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Jews 2.3 years ago (+17/-0)
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The New Light Is Bad. There’s something off about LED bulbs — which will soon be, thanks to a federal ban, the only kind you can buy.     (nymag.com)
submitted by ElementalPee to technology 1.2 years ago (+16/-2)
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Jews Had the Vaccines the Whole Time     (nymag.com)
submitted by mememeyou to conspiracy 3.3 years ago (+7/-0)
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Jews run Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson is white in name only

[from headline] "the Moderna vaccine design took all of one weekend. It was completed before China had even acknowledged that the disease could be transmitted from human to human, more than a week before the first confirmed coronavirus case in the United States."

[BioNTech designed the coronavirus vaccine it made with Pfizer in just a few hours over a single day


"The Establishment pretends that non-Jewish whites constitute a cohesive elite that controls the United States. ...

An examination of the Johnson family reveals that whites in the Jewish Establishment are white in name only. They symbolize the downfall and subjugation of the race to which their ancestors belonged.

The public “influence” of Casey’s father, or her cousin Jamie Johnson, for example, exists only as long as it promotes the goals of the dominant anti-white elite. Woody Johnson’s two most notable public roles have been membership in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and serving as the fourth largest contributor to the presidential campaigns of Zionist George W. Bush. This is not “leadership,” but irresponsible followership. Contrast the Johnsons’ aimless hedonism, conformism, and unseemly desperation to be socially accepted with the coldly calculated, tightly coordinated behavior of their Jewish counterparts who ruthlessly shoved the U.S. into the Middle East to serve Zionist interests. Jews are a purposive, cohesive ethnic elite; aimless, directionless whites are raceless. Indeed, if they were not, they would be unceremoniously and pitilessly destroyed—as everyone knows."
Two Years Too Late, Urban Liberal Retards Finally Catch-On To The Theatrical Pointlessness of Trying To "Prevent Covid"     (nymag.com)
submitted by Empire_of_the_Mind to whatever 2.5 years ago (+5/-0)
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5 More Disturbing Revelations About (((Sam Bankman-Fried)))      (nymag.com)
submitted by Scyber to news 1.6 years ago (+2/-0)
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I Was Trying To Find Video For You Guys of the Late 1980’s Pasttime of “Fag Bashing On the Pier” which came to an end in the mid 90’s or so.     (nymag.com)
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to whatever 1.3 years ago (+1/-0)
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Instead, I came across this article which describes that practice taking place in Central Park, but it also highlights (from a homo Liberal’s point of view) how these disgusting demons used to seek each other out to have sex in public. A lot of these fags are obscenely rich, but instead of going to each other’s apartments or renting hotel rooms like non-savages, they choose to fuck out in the open-air like sex-starved 16 year-olds. Deeply degenerate and mentally ill. The idea of a glory hole is fucking disgusting in and of itself, but it came from their community. Never let these fucking faggot creeps convince you that their behavior is normal and harmless. It almost never is. Their unbridled “passion” for each other spreads filth and disease and it is absolutely vile to contemplate going for an innocent stroll somewhere as a tourist and happening upon this fucking nastiness.
Newly Revealed Jeffrey Epstein Pedo Associates     (nymag.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Pedogate 1.1 years ago (+4/-4)
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Asking the important questions: Will There Be Bananas Under Socialism?     (nymag.com)
submitted by shitface9000 to BANANA 10 months ago (+4/-5)
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‘Sleepy Don’: Trump Falls Asleep During Hush-Money Trial     (nymag.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to funny 1 month ago (+1/-5)
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