Clownworld: "Whypeepoe, come back! We need you to line up and die for (((us))) again!"     (musebycl.io)
submitted by BulletStopper to ClownWorld 1.2 years ago (+7/-0)
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You know they're desperate when they tell the woke mob to stfu, and you see them showing ads extolling the courage and sacrifice of Whites, and with more Whites in them than have been seen for the last 20 years. Seems that all of the diversity and inclusion rhetoric goes right out the fucking window the moment they start to realize that their backs are to the wall and they could lose all of it.

Good. Let your fucking niggers, faggots, furries, blue-haired trannies and other assorted degenerates do it, Shlomo. That's what you've been asking for isn't it? Well, now's their chance to shine and show us all exactly what they are capable of. I and my sons will watch from a great distance, with scant interest, but no small amount of amusement.
These LGBTQ ads are in many NYC subway cars for all to see (target audience is young people and children)     (musebycl.io)
submitted by Boardallday_420_2 to ConsumeProduct 2.2 years ago (+4/-0)
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