Chinese-produced animated movie introduced American kids to the idea of a fearful virus, masks and life-saving vaccine — back in 2016     (leohohmann.com)
submitted by christianmusicreleases to Plandemic 3.2 years ago (+11/-0)
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Globalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense     (leohohmann.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to conspiracy 2 years ago (+6/-0)
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The plan is to price you out of everything to the point where you are renting a small apartment in the city next to a rail line, replacing your SUV with a mini electric car (if you can afford that) or even a bicycle. Look at China. That’s the future they have planned for us.
Biden to unleash transhumanism hell on humanity     (leohohmann.com)
submitted by Conspirologist to Universal 1.7 years ago (+3/-0)