NIGGERS BLEACH TO BE WHITE      (jamaica-star.com)
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 10 months ago (+12/-1)
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I don't know how many here are interested in this but niggers bleaching their skin to be White has been going on for about 20years now, not just in Jamaica but in most non-White 3rd world countries.

If "black is beautiful" and "once black you never go back" and if blacks were kangs", why do they want to be White?...because the original "(((slave masters)))", knowing how easily manipulated low IQ niggers are, pumped so much bullshit into the mind of the nigger that they'll do anything that purportedly helps them emulate White status. Niggers are of the mind that coloring themselves White will increase their IQ levels and automatically make them wealthy and better looking.

The famous White House nigger, obama, said it best, "you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig".

I've seen these bleaching formulae and I wouldn't be anywhere around the concoction without a HAZMAT SUIT.

Whitey is hated for his natural skin color yet nigs will chemically burn the tar out of their hide because they want to be like us.

NIGGER IQ     (jamaica-star.com)
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 1.9 years ago (+0/-2)
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THE REAL WORLD      (jamaica-star.com)
submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 1.9 years ago (+16/-0)
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The term "BOBBY TOWN" in Jamaica refers to the "COLLEGE OF LIFE" where the learning doesn't end until the heart stops beating...and on average that's about 20 years of age. Living here is Hell's nightmare.

Everything in the 3rd world revolves around the elementary imperative of "survival", self preservation is a tenant that lives rent free in the low IQ mind's of the Caribbean's African remnants, not just Jamaica. Black mother's devote themselves to God yet without any sense of maternal conscience at all will pimp out their 12 year old kids. I know it's wrong but in my 28 years of experience in Jamaica I did not get involved in any form of behavioral adjustment but plenty of black Jamaicans knew my civilized 1st world position. I was not there for that...it was more intense than that.

Bullets fly constantly in Jamaica. The Caribbean's highest rate of machete injuries is contributed to by Jamaica. Drug gangs live in "GARRISONS" and will boil 3 babies at a time in a barrel of water in front of the mother as a payback for her betrayal. Beheadings are common...in fact, FYI...Trevor Berbick,in Jamaica back in 2006, was killed over a land dispute with his brother, his 11 year old nephew sliced his throat from behind while sitting at the table arguing with the brother. Nothing is sacred in the 3rd world except money, money is survival.

My position is, I respect 3rd World Blacks, I've been everywhere on the Island of Jamaica, steady in and out of Kingston, Montego Bay and Negril, into Cockpit Country and the heart of St Elizabeth and all the time with armed forces or constabulary who respected me because I respected them and they kept me safe and in all those years only 3 punks in my proximity had to be eliminated. I told my guys down there that in Jamaica they're Blacks, the moment they leave the island for the 1st World they become niggers...and they understand that. My guys also know that I despise niggers...so do they.

In Jamaica 6 year old kids put on "cock fights" and "dog fights" , and brain dead liberals hell bent on an altruistic suicide, are suckered into the phony narrative of "CHARITY FOR THE POOR" and unchecked immigration. The 3rd World is not compatible with the 1st World.

Look at the entire Star News site and you'll understand niggers a bit more, this is the real world .