San Franchimpsco bends knee, apologizes to niggers for having laws against nigger behavior. Niggers demanding $5 million lump sump payments PLUS $100K per year for "every eligible black adult"     (apnews.com)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 3 months ago (+6/-3)
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Supervisors in San Francisco formally apologized Tuesday to African Americans and their descendants for the city’s role in perpetuating racism and discrimination, with several stating that this was just the start of reparations for Black residents and not the end.

“This historic resolution apologizes on behalf of San Francisco to the African American community and their descendants for decades of systemic and structural discrimination, targeted acts of violence, atrocities,” said Supervisor Shamann Walton, “as well as committing to the rectification and redress of past policies and misdeeds.”

It is the first reparations recommendation of more than 100 proposals made by a city committee to win approval. The African American Reparations Advisory Committee also proposed that every eligible Black adult receive a $5 million lump-sum cash payment and a guaranteed income of nearly $100,000 a year to remedy San Francisco’s deep racial wealth gap.
Finally@! Financier and philanthropist Jacob Rothschild dies at 87     (apnews.com)
submitted by bossman131 to random 3 months ago (+14/-1)
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Farmers converge on the European Union’s headquarters in a fresh show of force     (apnews.com)
submitted by boekanier to WorldNews 3 months ago (+15/-0)
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Mike Lindell must pay man $5M in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ challenge, judge says     (apnews.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to funny 3 months ago (+5/-4)
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He said he'd give $5m to anyone who could disprove his claim that he had data showing voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Someone disproved it and Mike wouldn't pay.

Is there a bigger dipshit in America than poor old Mike?
Trump Released His Sneaker Brand - $400 For Some Gaudy Looking Gold Colored Hightops     (apnews.com)
submitted by Scyber to Trump 3 months ago (+8/-0)
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Judge orders Trump and his companies to pay $355 million in New York civil fraud case      (apnews.com)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to news 3 months ago (+2/-1)
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Illegal border crossings from Mexico plunge after a record-high December, with fewer from Venezuela     (apnews.com)
submitted by Spaceman84 to fakenews 3 months ago (+1/-1)
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Woman judge fired fr sending 500 texts during murder trial     (apnews.com)
submitted by Panic to Women 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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Guy murders girlfriendf's two year old toddler. Time served, just goes home. Judge fired, just goes home. That's justice, Oklahoma style.
Project Veritas admits there was no evidence of election fraud at Pennsylvania post office in 2020     (apnews.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to politics 4 months ago (+0/-10)
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Toby Keith, country singer-songwriter, dies at 62 after stomach cancer diagnosis     (apnews.com)
submitted by Scyber to whatever 4 months ago (+15/-1)
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The first nitrogen gas execution is happening in Alabama     (apnews.com)
submitted by webofslime to news 4 months ago (+6/-0)
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Canada is preparing for a second Trump presidency. Trudeau says Trump 'represents uncertainty'      (apnews.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 4 months ago (+3/-2)
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Supreme Court allows federal agents to cut razor wire Texas installed on US-Mexico border     (apnews.com)
submitted by iSnark to ClownWorld 4 months ago (+35/-0)
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Good to know that Americas government is actively working AGAINST America!
The U.S. Government has truly lost the Plot!
Mexico demands investigation into US military-grade weapons used by cartels      (apnews.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 4 months ago (+6/-0)
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Supreme Court allows agents to cut razor wire on Texas-Mexico Border     (apnews.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 4 months ago (+4/-0)
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Adam Harrison, son of \'Pawn Stars\' Rick Harrison, dies of suspected drug overdose at 39     (apnews.com)
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to news 4 months ago (+2/-1)
Longtime Elvis Presley aide Joe Esposito dies at 78     (apnews.com)
submitted by carnold03 to RIP 4 months ago (+2/-2)
Poland has facilities     (apnews.com)
submitted by Panic to WorldNews 5 months ago (+3/-0)
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Jan Pietrzak, a satirist and actor, said Sunday on TV Republika that he had “cruel joke” in response to that idea.

“We have barracks for immigrants: in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof,” Pietrzak said, referring to concentration and death camps that Nazi German forces operated in occupied Poland during World War II.

Three days later, Marek Król, a former editor of the Polish weekly news magazine Wprost, said migrants could be chipped like dogs, referring to microchips that can help reunite lost pets with their owners, but that it would be cheaper to tattoo numbers on their left arms.
Voters file an objection to Trump’s name on the Illinois ballot     (apnews.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to UpliftingNews 5 months ago (+3/-5)
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Good news, cargo ship carrying lithium-ion batteries has reached Alaska. Bad news, the batteries are on fire     (apnews.com)
submitted by Panic to RealWhatever 5 months ago (+26/-0)
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A ship loaded with Lithium batteries is now parked just 2 miles offshore from Alaska's busiest fishing port. What could possibly go wrong?
Woman sues dentist after 4 root canals, 8 dental crowns and 20 fillings in a single visit     (apnews.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to WhatCouldGoWrong 5 months ago (+6/-1)
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A white couple who burned a cross in their yard facing Black neighbors’ home are investigated by FBI     (apnews.com)
submitted by Sal_180 to news 5 months ago (+4/-1)
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Much of Kenya falls into darkness in the third nationwide power blackout in 3 months     (apnews.com)
submitted by mxcviel to WorldNews 5 months ago (+16/-0)
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could be a rehearsal, since the Kenyan government plans to roll out its digital identification system in December 2023 after the testing period, and were a test polygon for WEF plans before
Death penalty used just 24 times in 2023, the lowest number in 20 years     (apnews.com)
submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 5 months ago (+3/-0)
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In 2023, there were 24 executions in the U.S., with the final one for the year taking place Thursday in Oklahoma. Additionally, 21 people were sentenced to death in 2023, which was the ninth consecutive year where fewer than 30 people were executed and fewer than 50 people received death sentences, according to a report by the Washington, D.C.-based Death Penalty Information Center.

Only five states — Texas, Florida, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Alabama — conducted executions this year. That was the lowest number in 20 years, said Robin M. Maher, executive director of the nonprofit center, which takes no position on capital punishment but has criticized the way states carry out executions.

Alabama has set a January execution date for what would be the nation’s first attempt to execute an inmate with nitrogen gas. In July, Idaho became the fifth state to authorize executions by firing squad. The last time a U.S. inmate was executed by firing squad was in 2010.

The center’s report said a majority of states, 29, have either abolished the death penalty or paused executions.

Probably the single biggest thing that pisses me off. Some people are well beyond rehabilitation or remorse. The logical thing to do is to put them down, yet here we are spending tax dollars on keeping serial killers, child rapists, etc. alive.

Fuck any faggot who opposes the death penalty because they think it's "cruel".
Cognitive dissonance on full display in the media- “Why Finland is blaming Russia for a sudden influx of migrants on its eastern border”     (apnews.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to ClownWorld 6 months ago (+3/-1)
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I cannot believe the AP editorial board allowed this sentence to be printed
Migration pressure pushes democracies to abandon some of their democratic commitment to giving people seeking asylum the right to seek protection, thereby exposing fragility of democratic systems.

Followed by epic hypocrisy..
Western countries have for years accused Russia and its ally Belarus of using migrants seeking safety and economic opportunity in Europe as pawns to destabilize Western democracies. European leaders called it a form of “hybrid warfare” that Moscow deploys against them

“We have proof showing that, unlike before, not only Russian border authorities are letting people without proper documentation to the Finnish border, but they are also actively helping them to the border zone,” Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

If it’s Russia flooding the border of a country with military aged migrants to destabilize a society, it is an act of “hybrid-warfare”.
If it’s the (((WEF and a country’s own Marxist politicians))) doing it with the same intentions, it’s virtuous and glorified. All who oppose are dangerous and will be dealt with as harshly as they will deal with Russians.