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Community for : 3.0 years

The Official Sub for SubRequest
Found an abandoned subverse that you'd like to Own?
Subs owned by 'MrGoat' or those without any owner are available for transfer.

-Submit a Link post to the subverse you are requesting by writing "Requesting v/SubNameHere" in the title

-Sort by 'New' to see the latest requests
1. 50 CCP required
2. 30-day account age required
3. Only one pending subverse transfer per user at a time
4. Can't request a sub on behalf of another user
5. Must have activity in sub — minimum 2 posts and 2 comments in the last 30 days; if content appears to be submitted just to meet this requirement, request will be denied.
6. A user may not own more than 10 subs, so check your sub ownership count before you make your request

A. Requests for v/all or v/whatever will be denied; this is a catch-all 'Default' sub and you can't have it
B. Requests to Mod any 'Default' sub owned by system coming soon so don't ask yet

Owner: system


SubRequest Requirements     (subrequest)
submitted by Cynabuns to subrequest 2.8 years ago (+2/-0)
5 comments last comment...
Found an abandoned subverse that you'd like to Own?
Any subs owned by 'MrGoat' or those that have no Owner at all are available for transfer.

To make a request, just submit a Share Link Post linking to the subverse you want and make your title: "Requesting v/SubNameHere"

1. 50 CCP required
2. 30-day account age required
3. Only one pending subverse transfer per user at a time
4. Can't request a sub on behalf of another user
5. Must have activity in sub — minimum 2 posts and 2 comments in the last 30 days; if content appears to be submitted just to meet this requirement, request will be denied.
6. A user may not own more than 10 subs, so check your sub ownership count before you make your request

A. Requests for v/all will be denied; this is a catch-all 'Default' sub and you can't have it
B. Requests to Mod any 'Default' sub owned by system coming soon so don't ask yet

updated 2021-08-25