Which websites no longer exist would you like to see back?     (site)
submitted by byte to site 8 minutes ago (+0/-0)
2 comments last comment...
list the websites that you miss the most and would like to have back
I have a request.     (TalkDev)
submitted by albatrosv15 to TalkDev 3 days ago (+11/-1)
20 comments last comment...
Instead of blocking, can i mark users as something? Like a "shill" or something? Only the marking user would see it. This mark would be written after username.
Oy vey, there's so much here that isn't kosher.     (introductions)
submitted by Theo to introductions 1 week ago (+1/-5)
19 comments last comment...
I should get a standing ovation just for the title alone.
Should the metric system be banned on this website?     (TalkDev)
submitted by HeyJames to TalkDev 1 week ago (+18/-1)
43 comments last comment...
I don't want to fucking hear these eurocuck and kike metis numbers
requesting v/Bushcamp     (www.upgoat.net)
submitted by dirtywhiteboy to subrequest 3 weeks ago (+3/-2)
6 comments last comment...
The "Ask Voat" & "Tell Voat" Subs Appear to Have Been Obliterated .. why is that and what happened to the well meaning posts that had been submitted to both those subs by well meaning individuals are they gone too .. back to you @System     (TalkDev)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to TalkDev 3 weeks ago (+2/-1)
6 comments last comment...
Feature request that lets you know if you're submitting a link that's already been submitted.     (TalkDev)
submitted by allAheadFull to TalkDev 3 weeks ago (+34/-0)
8 comments last comment...
You can search by page title, but sometimes people rename things and we get duplicate article posting.
Apparently "you" are not full     (introductions)
submitted by jfroybees to introductions 4 weeks ago (+1/-0)
13 comments last comment...
I know the drill. I am back, you sorry bitches.
Is the administrator of this site retarded? This site has so many flaws.     (introductions)
submitted by BeatUpAll to introductions 4 weeks ago (+3/-8)
15 comments last comment...
Seriously, if I wanted to tank a site, this is exactly how I’d do it.

Registration is perpetually closed. And then the admin wants to whine about how the site doesn’t grow.

No native search engine, like every other forum.

Randomly handing out subverses to members.

* Randomly firing moderators with no rhyme or reason.

Upgoat could grow if it didn’t have an administrator with an extra chromosome. I won’t be surprised if this post is deleted by tomorrow, because I know how thin-skinned the administrator is.
The Neri Files     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Fascinus to IdeasForTalk 1 month ago (+15/-0)
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Ever wonder what happens to all of the reports filed by @paul_neri ?

I think a listing of them would make for an amazing sub.

Skip to 1:30 for example content: https://files.catbox.moe/w3f90p.mp4


I Made This For you Faggots     (introductions)
submitted by lilsysie to introductions 1 month ago (+3/-4)
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Total kike death, if you please.
praise upgoat for free speech     (introductions)
submitted by HolyApostle to introductions 1 month ago (+38/-3)
56 comments last comment...
some of the the freest speech on the internet is right here on upgoat, congrats
The corn has been reborn     (introductions)
submitted by CornBorn to introductions 1 month ago (+9/-0)
16 comments last comment...
Needmorepopcorn here, lost my old account after the talk.lol migration nor do I feel like bothering anyone to get it back. All my heckin updoots gone!

This fucking place is as hard as old demoniod was to get an account.

I just dont want my new account to get nuked because the wave of jewish insurgents are bound to show up this weekend.

Henlo frens. Have a good weekend.

Hey guys!     (introductions)
submitted by Bstream to introductions 1 month ago (+49/-0)
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Saw this place mentioned at r/r*dditalternatives, so that's where I'm from.

Greetings to all of you     (introductions)
submitted by Reisk to introductions 1 month ago (+22/-3)
49 comments last comment...
What's the story on this site? Spiritual successor to the big V?

I miss that place. Nice to see a similar setup here.

Hope everyone has been well.

Hey what the herr is happeny. One day it 2019 nex ting u know pow here we are amirite     (introductions)
submitted by Engrishishard to introductions 1 month ago (+1/-3)
9 comments last comment...
Hello Again Goats     (introductions)
submitted by Salacious_Salicylic to introductions 2 months ago (+29/-0)
21 comments last comment...
Was on original Voat back in the day as seventh_jim. Have lurked here off and on for a while, figured it was a good day to make an account and say hi.
Possible bug     (files.catbox.moe)
submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 2 months ago (+0/-0)

Brave on android mobile

Notice after a particular post the upgoats get fuzzed.

I tried reproducing the effect by posting an identically formatted post but that seemed to FIX the issue. Then I deleted my test post and the problem reappeared.


Update: after more posts appeared, the issue vanished
I don't even know how long it's been. Sober again, been attempting to register here every month or so. Gosh fellas I havent been so happy since elon let me troll niggers again. I see most everyone is still here, that's good.      (introductions)
submitted by Dindu to introductions 2 months ago (+27/-0)
40 comments last comment...
Where's postwall. Lol she should pop up like princess leia "I'm here!". I missed her most of all.

So the end of the world is getting pretty close huh?
Implement HTTP+NIGGER, a new protocol modifier I just invented     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by SithEmpire to IdeasForTalk 2 months ago (+15/-1)
14 comments last comment...
Inspiration: The +NIGGER license modifier.

Because HTTP can have any custom headers, I figured why let license modifiers have all the fun, go for a protocol modifier!

Clients and servers implementing the HTTP+NIGGER protocol SHOULD include an extra HTTP header called nigger. Because most HTTP hosts don't give a fuck about uppercase and lowercase in the header key name, the case is unspecified.

The header value is also unspecified, but MAY be "NIGGER". If a client uses plain HTTP without the nigger header, the server MAY use the header value "FAGGOT". If a client sets the nigger header value to "N", the server MAY respond with nigger header value "I". Servers are encouraged to implement interesting nigger header responses depending on the client nigger header.

Example client HTTP+NIGGER request headers:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.voat.xyz
Nigger: NIGGER
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: /

Example server HTTP+NIGGER response headers:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Nigger: NIGGER
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

A client may also specify the HTTP+NIGGER protocol explicitly, such as HTTP/1.1+NIGGER, in which case it MUST include a nigger header. A server which receives a HTTP+NIGGER request without a nigger header SHOULD respond with HTTP+NIGGER error 444, which MAY include the text "Did Not Say Nigger".
Jeezus friggin cripes am I glad I found you guys.     (introductions)
submitted by MasterAce to introductions 2 months ago (+62/-3)
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I’m just glad this place exists ,haven’t been around in ages talk lol link is dead and I started actually being sad. Went to searchvoat for nostalgia sake but that actually just intensified the sadness of loss. Figured I could lurk poal till something dropped me a clue to find you glorious faggots but they dead too I guess (good tho ) really thought I’d lost this part of the internet .so threw upgoat out on a whim in the search and found my way home. I’m posting before all/newso maybe no one left but am hopeful,what up system if you still conducting this orchestra.
Hyperlinks     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by oyveyo to IdeasForTalk 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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How about a feature in chat, that turns URLs into hyperlinks you can click on (instead of highlighting, copying, open a new tab, paste, jump through hoops over and over and over)?

That would be really cool because people in chat are always posting URLs and none of them are clickable. It wouldn't be all that bad IF the selection didn't randomly jump around the screen as you are trying to highlight.
User ProudAmerican and his sites     (ReportSpammers)
submitted by NeedleStack to ReportSpammers 4 months ago (+27/-0)
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The "front" page or hot page or something should include the top 1 or 2 Anon posts of the moment.     (IdeasForTalk)
submitted by Thought_Criminal to IdeasForTalk 4 months ago (+1/-8)
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I think there are often very sexy posts made there that would entice others to engage on the site. If they can sign up or whatever. Maybe.