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If you replace all the Italians with jews in the movie "The Godfather", "Godfather II" and "Godfather III", You'll have a better understanding of how they took over our country.     (movies)
submitted by Puller_of_Noses to movies 1 year ago (+29/-0)
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Their substitution of Italian mobsters as the ULTIMATE EVIL IN AMERICA fails when you realize that it was the fucking jews did 9/11.

Prince Humperdinck Would Never Lie     (
submitted by KCobain27 to movies 2.7 years ago (+27/-0)
Woke Pixar's Lightyear is a huge flop     (
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1.9 years ago (+28/-1)
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Remember when a pederast kike and a nigger saved the world on july 4th?     (
submitted by gaperglory to movies 10 months ago (+29/-2)
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This ones for you, dangus.
they just destroyed robin hood by making him a bisexual niggress i kid you not lol     (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to movies 6 months ago (+27/-1)
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The tooth fairy now twerks on your pillow and steals your change.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to movies 1.2 years ago (+27/-1)
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First there was The little mermaid remake, now we have Disney's Peter Pan and Wendy.
Avatar 2 has pregnant females as hunters and warriors     (
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1.4 years ago (+25/-0)
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Flux Error     (
submitted by KCobain27 to movies 2.7 years ago (+25/-1)
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This is probably a good movie. I have not seen it.      (
submitted by lord_nougat to movies 2.7 years ago (+24/-0)
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Heads up - AMC staff are trying to sabotage 'Sound of Freedom' screenings; Moviegoers Claim Their ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Theater Experiences Were Ruined     (
submitted by pussycowposhposh to movies 9 months ago (+26/-2)
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Chandraya     (
submitted by lord_nougat to movies 8 months ago (+25/-1)
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Coming soon to netflix     (
submitted by lord_nougat to movies 1.9 years ago (+23/-0)
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Movie idea: postwallhelena really is my CIA agent but falls in love with me because of my movie ideas and I go and meet her but it's a dude and it's also neri      (movies)
submitted by Dindu to movies 4 weeks ago (+24/-1)
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Just watched the 1970 MASH movie     (movies)
submitted by Panic to movies 1 month ago (+21/-0)
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Based on the earlier book MASH, it includes several things not permissible in movies today. One black character was called "Spearchucker Jones". The guy who thought he was becoming gay (called himself a 'fairy') decided to commit suicide and was given a sleeping pill instead of poison by the doctors, then was 'cured' of being gay in his sleep by the assistance of a frisky nurse.

Just try stunts like that in today's America. Can't be done.
List of Jewish actors in Hollywood     (
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1.8 years ago (+20/-0)
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Amazon CEO won't take down antisemitic film     (
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1.4 years ago (+20/-0)
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I just watched Point Break after about 25 years and it was so awesomely bad.      (movies)
submitted by dingbat to movies 3 months ago (+22/-2)
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This movie was released in 1991.

Analysis: There were shitskins in it who were “bad guys”. Patrick Swayze was an awesome guy. Busey is a cool nut bag. The acting was horrendous, but somehow made the movie more endearing (???). There was masculinity everywhere without it being an implied reason to dislike the characters, except Lori Petty, who acted and looked like a scrawny guy. There were some really beautiful shots of skydiving. The plot was terrible, yet somehow was 1000 times more watchable and enjoyable than anything I’ve seen in the last 15 years. Lots of eye candy for me too. Did not seem like a huge subversion body slam as most movies become when watching again, minus the part where Swayze called one trashy surfer guy a ‘Nazi’, which is why I will deduct one half a star. 3.5 out of 4 stars. Would watch again.
Asking for a Friend     (
submitted by KCobain27 to movies 2.7 years ago (+20/-1)
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Did you hear there is a new Ghostbusters movie coming out on Thanksgiving?     (
submitted by KCobain27 to movies 2.5 years ago (+19/-0)
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Jackass is the epitome of jewish nihilist propaganda     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 2.3 years ago (+19/-0)
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I just found the new trailer for the upcoming Jackass movie. Jackass is the epitome of jewish nihilist propaganda. The jews made a TV series on MTV first, then they made some movies. Now they are making the reunion with the old cast of perverts. Jackass is about perverts doing harm to each other and perverted acts that are just disgusting. I wonder if there are so many idiots willing to watch it, or if the jews just made it for the hell of it.
I can't believe anti-pedo Sound of Freedom (2023) is #1 box office     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 9 months ago (+21/-5)
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I can't believe anti-pedo Sound of Freedom (2023) is #1 box office. If all Hollywood is owned by Judeo-Satanists, how it is possible? This really makes me hope that normal people can fight back.
Zootopia is a movie about a (j)ewe-ish conspiracy to take over the government     (movies)
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to movies 8 months ago (+19/-0)
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Seriously, this movie is fucking wild.

Half the movie is blatantly racist, from segregated areas of the city that are designed for different animal species/races to certain species being unable to do certain jobs. Many species are portrayed as being clearly biologically programmed to behave in certain ways, even if they can resist it to some extent. The other half of the movie is anti-racist messaging shoved in your face that seems completely absurd given the fact that many species literally cannot live in the same spaces or do the same jobs.

(spoiler alert) Meanwhile the movie revolves around a bunch of missing people who've been kidnapped because they were hit with an MK-Ultra style drug that turns them into feral killing machines. As the protagonists unravel the mystery, the Trump-esque lion mayor ends up being arrested for the kidnappings (while failing to uncover the nature of their madness). He's undermined by the ewes in his administration who use his fall as an excuse to take control of the government.

The ewes' goal is to destroy the predators in the city by making the masses of relatively weak and timid prey animals hate and fear them again. By hitting only predators with the drug that makes them go feral, they convince the masses that predators are a threat to the city's safety and turn the populace against them. The strong, proud, noble predator races (white people) are driven to the margins of the society they helped build, tearing down the natural leadership class with false promises of equality based more on fear of the capable than on actually making the lesser species more capable.

Pretty sure all of you can figure out the method the ewes at Disney were trying to reveal with this movie.
They downgraded the Six Million Dollar Man to a nog     (
submitted by Centaurus to movies 2.0 years ago (+18/-0)
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Clerks III (2022) is just awful     (movies)
submitted by Conspirologist to movies 1.5 years ago (+18/-0)
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Clerks III (2022) is awful. Clerks and Clerks II were funny. This one is completely demented. Apparently, Kevin Smith can't write anymore. I don't know who wrote his previous movies, but this is complete crap.
Peter Pan & Wendy Looks Amazing! (sarcasm)     (
submitted by knightwarrior41 to movies 1.2 years ago (+18/-0)
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yup the movie is pozzed full of niggers and queers as we can expect in these (((modern)) times