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Owner: MrGoat


How to make a Super WiFi Signal Receiver     (
submitted by Kozel to alttech 1 month ago (+1/-1)
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To create a super Wi-Fi signal receiver using copper plates, you'll need to follow a specific antenna design that utilizes copper plates effectively. One popular design is the Yagi-Uda antenna, also known as a Yagi antenna. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build one:

1. 12cm x 12cm sheet of copper, brass, or tinned metal plate.
2. BNC chassis connector.
3. BNC cable connector.
4. 35mm thick PE or styrofoam (can also be thicker).
5. Some 1.5mm2 single core wire.
6. Soldering iron and solder.
7. Drill and drill bits.
8. Screwdriver.
9. Wire cutter.
10. Ruler or measuring tape.
11. Electrical tape.
12. A Wi-Fi antenna to connect to the receiver.


1. Prepare the Plate: Cut the 12cm x 12cm sheet of copper, brass, or tinned metal plate to the appropriate size if necessary.

2. Mark and Drill Holes: Measure the center of the plate by drawing lines from the corners and making a mark 20mm from the center. This is where you will attach the BNC chassis connector. Drill a hole at the marked point, ensuring it's the correct size for your BNC chassis connector.

3. Attach the BNC Chassis Connector: Insert the BNC chassis connector into the hole and secure it in place using small bolts.

4. Create the Reflector Element: Cut a 10cm length of the single core wire and bend it into a V shape with 7cm sides and a 6cm gap in the middle. Attach the reflector element to the copper plate, positioning it parallel to the long side of the plate and about 1cm from the edge. Secure it with electrical tape.

5. Create the Driven Element: Cut two 10cm lengths of single core wire and attach them to the BNC chassis connector, ensuring they are parallel to the reflector element and spaced 1.5cm apart.

6. Create the Director Elements: Cut four 9cm lengths of single core wire and attach them to the copper plate, positioning them parallel to the reflector element and spaced 2cm apart.

7. Connect the Wi-Fi Antenna: Attach the BNC cable connector to the driven element and connect the other end to your Wi-Fi antenna.

8. Mount the Antenna: Mount the antenna on a mast or stand, ensuring that the reflector element faces the direction of the Wi-Fi signal source.

9. Test the Signal: Use a Wi-Fi signal strength meter or a device such as a laptop or smartphone to test the signal strength of your new super Wi-Fi signal receiver. Adjust the antenna's position and direction as needed to maximize the signal strength.

Keep in mind that this design is based on a Yagi-Uda antenna, and the dimensions provided may need to be adjusted depending on the specific frequency of your Wi-Fi signal
Would anyone like to co-admin another voat clone     (alttech)
submitted by x0x7 to alttech 5 months ago (+5/-1)
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I know, the last thing we need is another one. JK, you can never have too many.

I think it is helpful to have some group decision making. I want to start doing more group projects rather than solo projects and why not use my voat clone that is dead in the water to do it.

Currently it's just spammed to hell by one dude, but it can be turned around.

We'd basically run it as a democracy between the admins. I just need to select who is in. It's a chance to have authority on some irrelevant part of the internet.

I made a userscript to block youtube suggestions over 20 minutes long     (alttech)
submitted by soupnazi to alttech 6 months ago (+5/-0)
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I got sick of seeing 40 minute long videos on the dumbest things. Even if it is a topic I'm interested in the pacing of such a video makes it so not even 5 minutes of it are worth watching. All good youtube videos are under 20 minutes. Some of the code is mislabeled because I decided having the script tell youtube I'm not interested is a stretch goal and for the sake of the end user, simply hiding those videos is good enough.

// UserScript
// @name Youtube long video remove
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 11/29/2023, 6:23:59 PM
// /UserScript

// UserScript
// @name YouTube Auto 'Not Interested' for Long Videos
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Automatically mark long videos as 'Not Interested' on YouTube
// @author YourName
// @match ://
// @grant none
// /UserScript

(function() {
'use strict';

function convertDurationToSeconds(text) {
return text.split(':').reverse().map((i, idx) => parseFloat(i)
Math.pow(60, idx)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

function findAndHideLongVideos() {

var selectors = ['',''];
for(let selector of selectors) {
console.log("hello from long youtube")
const suggestions = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let suggestion of suggestions) {
let durationElement = suggestion.querySelector('div#time-status span#text');
if (durationElement) {
let durationSeconds = convertDurationToSeconds(durationElement.textContent.trim());
if (durationSeconds > 1200) { // 20 minutes
//Hide it'none';
//Find and click the menu button
//let menuButton = suggestion.querySelector(/ selector for the menu button /);
//if (menuButton);

//Wait for the menu to open and then click 'Not Interested'
//setTimeout(() => {
// let notInterestedButton = document.querySelector(/ selector for 'Not Interested' /);
// if (notInterestedButton);
//}, 500); // Adjust timeout as needed

// Run the function periodically
setInterval(findAndHideLongVideos, 1000); // Adjust interval as needed

VICTORY within sight! The RE-PLATFORMING of America!     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to alttech 3.2 years ago (+0/-0)
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PureSocial founder Doug Wade interviewed by Mike Adams     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to alttech 3.1 years ago (+0/-0)