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Die for Israel!



Zogbots out themselves.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to Zogbots 2 weeks ago (+30/-0)
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it’s pretty crazy how there’s an entire profession we have to make wear body cameras because they lie so much.     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Zogbots 2 weeks ago (+15/-5)
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Congress zogbots introduce bill to send college students protesting Israel to Gaza for 6 months of "community service".     (
submitted by allAheadFull to Zogbots 3 weeks ago (+14/-1)
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While Ogles' bill text does not mention Israel or the anti-Israel groups, it specifically targets unlawful activity on college campuses after Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas militants invaded Israel... Those convicted would be forced to serve a minimum six-month community service sentence in Gaza,
Total fag CIA agent (former FBI) explains to undercover reporter how they fuck with people.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to Zogbots 1 month ago (+49/-0)
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Help fund the bond for a guy in jail for resisting ZOG. This guy does great videos on confronting police when they try to intimidate and take your rights to film and observe their actions. Now jailed by a bad judge.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to Zogbots 1 month ago (+17/-0)
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Go to his go fund me link and read his story.

Here is his latest call from jail.

Here is his channel. He stops and observes cops hassleing people. He tells them what the person's rights are. He and his channel followers sue bad cops or helps others sue them.

His channel highlights cases were cops go crazy and arrest and hurt and even shoot and kill people who simply don't genuflect fast enough.

This is his channel

This guy is one of the points of the spear in keeping our freedoms.

He got arrested for not stepping back when he actually did as the video shows even though he didn't have to step back.

Donate if you can.

I am not related to him in any way nor do I profit from this post in any way.

But if you're looking for people who are actually taking action this guy is one of the guys who's actually taking action and putting himself in legal and even life-threatening risk by confronting those who enforce the Draconian restrictions imposed on us by zog which are growing every day and need pushback from people like this.

Forced to resign and rehired – Officers across state accused of wrongdoing now back on the force     (
submitted by ymihere to Zogbots 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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See how many of these cop videos you can watch without punching your monitor.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to Zogbots 3 months ago (+7/-0)
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Zogbot arrests firefighter treating injured driver     (
submitted by shitface9000 to Zogbots 4 months ago (+32/-1)
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America is run by foreigners and it's military is obsolete.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Zogbots 4 months ago (+3/-1)
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I welcome the collapse. I will succeed in it while others will suffer. The people who will suffer the most are the same people who are "successful" now. They are only successful because of clown world, which is falling apart. It was only ever going to fall apart. The clowns who are "winning" now, actually lost the game the moment they decided to play. People have run out of fake money to keep pretending any of this is working. We're in that awkward moment where the pendulum has stopped going one way, is about to go the other way, but hasn't started yet.

Get excited for the new world about to come!
Senator Thom Tillis is very disturbed by antisemitism.     (Zogbots)
submitted by Laputois to Zogbots 5 months ago (+4/-0)
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It was a shameful display when the presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT refused to condemn hatred against Jews at a House hearing this week.

When asked the simple question of whether they would discipline a student who calls for genocide against Jews or any other group of people, the presidents all evaded the question and refused to answer. It has rightfully sparked bipartisan outrage.

Watch it for yourself if you haven't already.

The rise of antisemitism is a major problem in our country. We've even seen pro-Hamas protests across North Carolina, including our college campuses, and even outside my offices in Raleigh and Charlotte , where demonstrators accused me of supporting "genocide" simply because I support Israel's right to exist.

We must take action.

That's why I've formally urged the Biden Administration to take concrete steps to ensure a safe learning environment for all Jewish students.

I've also introduced the bipartisan Deterrent Act, which will require our universities and colleges to disclose their foreign contributions, so we can see if foreign countries are pushing propaganda and influencing student beliefs and behavior like supporting antisemitism and opposition to Israel's right to exist. This transparency is long overdue. Fortunately, this bipartisan legislation passed the House this week, and I am pushing to get it passed in the Senate so it can be signed into law soon.

I will continue to call out antisemitism regardless of whether it's coming from members of Congress like Rashida Tlaib or being enabled by college presidents because they lack the courage to call out extremists.

We can never allow radical voices and Hamas sympathizers to normalize antisemitism in America.

Thom Tillis

When the Mossad has damning blackmail material over you     (
submitted by didyouknow to Zogbots 6 months ago (+9/-0)
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lmao female cops     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Zogbots 6 months ago (+29/-3)
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Guy makes the zog cops work for it. Its actually comical     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Zogbots 6 months ago (+25/-0)
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I would have [redacted] them right then and there     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Zogbots 7 months ago (+4/-1)
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I am calling on a complete and total ban on the Abrahamic religions     (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Zogbots 7 months ago (+16/-4)
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Zogbots arrest teen sand nigger for carrying a Palestinian flag in England      (
submitted by NationalSocialism to Zogbots 7 months ago (+46/-0)
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Opposing jewish supremacy is jail time in England.

The state mandated flag in Europe, Australia and the United States.
@Doglegwarrior      (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Zogbots 7 months ago (+9/-2)
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It be this way because it do
He went that way!     (
submitted by Fascinus to Zogbots 9 months ago (+22/-1)
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Alternate links:
FBI conveniently murders UT man in raid     (
submitted by shitface9000 to Zogbots 9 months ago (+47/-1)
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This cop has a REALLY tiny penis     (
submitted by HeyJames to Zogbots 9 months ago (+3/-1)
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White knights tackle @sector7 after female pig aggravates him     (
submitted by HeyJames to Zogbots 9 months ago (+3/-2)
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I hate cops so much it's unreal      (
submitted by NukeAmerica to Zogbots 10 months ago (+38/-2)
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Female cops are useless when wrangling a thieving nog. One gets her gun stolen and the male cop on scene puts the buck down      (
submitted by HeyJames to Zogbots 10 months ago (+5/-0)
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Fuck the police. Fuck them all.     (Zogbots)
submitted by gaperglory to Zogbots 10 months ago (+41/-2)
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Police are a useless institution when it comes to you, white men. Police stop niggers from killing each other. White men are put into positions where they have to kill niggers, and Police will kill a nigger for far less. Then they will arrest that white man and let him rot until a jewish judge decides it was self defense.

The police will show up after someone is raped or murdered, and make the lives of the victims 10x harder, usually to no end of justice.

Police give you tickets for speeding on roads designed to be driven much faster on than the limit, and waste your time in court dealing with it after they shake a few hundred shekels out of you.

Police are the militant arm of the jew, and take their orders almost directly from them via a few different channels.

Don't be fooled into thinking police are a good thing.
As someone who has a lot of personal experience with the law, I can tell you that cops are no better than jew lawyers and judges, just a lot dumber.

Police are the epitome of "just following orders".

When a nigger murders your mother, wife, sister, or you, the police (if competent enough to find them), take that nigger to the penn where we get to pay for their useless excuse for a life, for the rest of their life. AND THATS IF WERE LUCKY.

I'm not a liberal defund the police faggot, so don't be confused. I'm an abolish the police white nationalist.

Force our white brothers and sisters to arm themselves and know how to deal with the nigger menace 1 on 1, should they be in mortal danger. Fuck 911. Dial 556.

FUCK THE POLICE. EVERY KIKE WORSHIPPING ONE OF THEM. THEY ARE THE ENEMY. And if you think they're necessary, it's because you're too big of a faggot to learn how to defend yourself.

Good Samaritan tackles @gaperglory when he runs from police     (
submitted by HeyJames to Zogbots 10 months ago (+6/-0)
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