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Owner: MrGoat


France erupts in wild protests over prospect of far right victory at election     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 day ago (+3/-3)
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The far right could make big gains in EU elections. What would that mean?     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 week ago (+4/-1)
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Mikhail Khodorkovsky Names Lord Jacob Rothschild As Ultimate Beneficial Owner (of Russia/Russian interests)     (
submitted by Sector2 to WorldPolitics 2 weeks ago (+7/-0)
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Looks like the resistance is beginning in the UK.     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 3 weeks ago (+24/-2)
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Tucker goes off     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 3 weeks ago (+31/-1)
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Just remember.

Fuck the Jews.
'Also, there simply are men that “want to see the world burn”,' - How the conflict in Ukraine ends     (
submitted by Sector2 to WorldPolitics 2 weeks ago (+3/-1)
You've gotta be shitting me. - 'Blinken Rocks Out In Kiev As Kharkiv Burns' (link)     (
submitted by Sector2 to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+10/-1)
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As Europe’s power shrinks, its fear is growing     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+2/-1)
28 yo and dead. You'd think there were better causes to die for [opposition to Thailand's lese-majeste laws]     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+2/-1)
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Why predicted gains for right-wing populists could make Europe vulnerable to attack     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+3/-2)
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The Trump wave is coming      (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+1/-1)
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"I never thought people like me voted for the far right. I was wrong" - Khuê Phạm     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+2/-1)
U.S. to Withdraw Troops From Chad, Dealing Another Blow to Africa Policy     (
submitted by RobertJHarsh to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+6/-0)
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The departure of U.S. military personnel in Chad and Niger comes as both countries are turning away from years of cooperation with the United States and forming partnerships with Russia.

YEP. Another country tired of the US and its' bullshit.
Europe must find a way to help fund the fight against Putin – for its own sake     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+2/-7)
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There’s a hard-right tidal wave about to hit Europe     (
submitted by paul_neri to WorldPolitics 1 month ago (+2/-2)
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That missile defence against Iran cost US taxpayers 1 billion dollars.............     (WorldPolitics)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to WorldPolitics 2 months ago (+39/-0)
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what an egregious waste of money. there is nothing in isreal worth this cost. especially on top of what they're already getting for free to keep that hellhole running.
Lithium Ion Battery pollution by the United States     (
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 2 months ago (+6/-0)
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The average lithium ion battery in the regular size drones are 500 grams (about 1 pound) and the small drone's lithium ion battery is no less than 100 grams.

The Zionist Occupied United States is blowing up 1500-3000 drones per day in the land Russia is taking back from ZoG occupied Ukraine. This is resulting in about 3.15 metric tons of lithium pollution per week in drones alone. Which is 163.6 metric tons of lithium and other polluting material on the ground per year.

These batteries also contain cobalt, nickel, and other substances used in the battery's construction, which are also being dumped on the field and are also highly toxic to life.

This land will have these pollutants seeping into the ground for 100+ years, and these are elements, so they NEVER break down and will forever seep into food and water sources. Speaking of water sources, the US has been EMPing those drone attacks in on the aircraft carriers too - dropping those toxic chemicals right into the ocean.

This Jewish thirst for blood needs to stop, especially in the killing of the European Master Races. We love our European brethren from Portugal to the tip of the Bering Land Strait in Russia.
Let's summarize; Iran warns Israel ahead of time that they will attack giving Israel time to build up their defenses. Iran fires missiles, supposedly only injuring one 7 year old girl and that's it. Any economic damage will be covered by the likely coming U.S. aid package to Israel.      (
submitted by didyouknow to WorldPolitics 2 months ago (+17/-2)
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Can someone explain to me what's actually being celebrated here? Because Iran finally launched some missiles that killed zero jews after over a decade of having lost a lot of their commanders and generals to Israeli airstrikes?

You can also bet that Israel will ask for even further military aid from the U.S. after this attack from Iran to cover up the economic cost of the bombing of children and babies in Gaza and have leftovers to boost their military even further.
Mossad/CIA's tactic with the terrorist attack they committed in Moscow is out of anger that Russian citizens aren't acting as soldiers themselves and attacking the Russian government. The US did not provide Russia of information on exactly how they were going to commit the terrorist attack     (WorldPolitics)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to WorldPolitics 2 months ago (+4/-0)
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I guess the strategy here is to kill enough civilians in the most gruesome ways possible to get them to think all they have to do is attack their government. This is one reason to never be intimidated by the Jew. They get far more mileage out of you backing down (which Americans always do) than fighting.

Your life is not worth infinite value and it is very possible it's worth you dying to take out people in a war effort. Just be smart and effective. Your life is worth 50 others' lives.

This narrative Mossad/CIA are trying to stitch together here is one of the sloppiest ones they've ever done.
Signs you are living in Nazi rule     (WorldPolitics)
submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 2 months ago (+65/-0)
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1. No Debt. You are not paying the majority of your future wealth to usurious bankers.

2. You are able to raise a family on one income. Your wife can stay home and raise kids and in fact is financially rewarded for doing so.

3. There is little crime. It is safe to walk the streets at night so you have ACTUAL freedom.

4. Others around you have similar altruistic beliefs and a common moral incentive to help each other.

5. There are many jobs and you are paid well no matter your social status or education. All work contributions including manual labor are valued.

6. Your infrastructure is expanding rapidly increasing your quality of life and the general beauty of your world. You can get places faster and you have more free time.

7. You have more vacation time each year. You have very nice places to go on your vacations including the world's first dedicated leisure cruise ships and they are very affordable.
Katie Hopkins says most western leaders are actors and in fact gay. In other words FAKE AND GAY     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+39/-0)
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The point here is not the Jew Katie Hopkins.

It's that the fact is being pointed out that homos increasingly are running things.

Homo news gets called out     (
submitted by Crackinjokes to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+3/-0)
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The US in invading Russia right now. Best targets for nukes: France, Israel, Britain, New York City, Silicon Valley, and Taiwan.      (WorldPolitics)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+2/-4)
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Galloway’s Rochdale Victory is an Establishment Trap – OffGuardian      (
submitted by doginventer to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+1/-0)
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I truly cannot understand the Russia vs everyone else conflict. Putin seems to be aware of the Jewish Problem, but is cooperating with them. Jews keep escalating on both sides, but no one is holding them responsible. And...     (WorldPolitics)
submitted by DoYouEvenShit to WorldPolitics 3 months ago (+5/-1)
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and nothing seems to happen coherently.... all the happenings are all over the map, no one accounts for disconnects if/when things didn't go as planned.

what does everything to do with Russia sound like this? There is one thing that also always sounded like this.... the (((American))) news reports about the middle east throughout the 00s and 10s