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Community for : 1.6 years

Here we post examples of white people, unwittingly or wittingly, taking something that was said by a brown "person" and acting like it's inspirational and if a white person said the same thing they couldn't care less.

We expose the white guilt that whites are still to this day touting as virtuous. This false notion that they are cleverly going unnoticed with these "virtue" signals is to be exposed and ridiculed, even if we have to draw blood from these people. It is not virtuous to express love for brown "people", and no it is not in the Bible.


To all who are inspired by thing brown "people" say simply because they are brown: fuck you. Please kill yourself or make yourself available for bodily harm, please.

Owner: HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers


Visual Explains White Privilege in 10 seconds     (
submitted by beece to WhitesInspriedBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.2 years ago (+10/-1)
2 comments last comment...
Jaasey-shaw     (
submitted by UncleDoug to WhitesInspriedBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 11 months ago (+5/-0)
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What a guido
@ProudAmerican wants everyone to know that he is inspired becuz Kanye west (a brown "person")said 'Everyone Knows that Black Lives Matter Was a Scam. Now It’s Over.'      (
10 comments last comment...

And he's implying he isn't racist for feeling good feelings about a brown person.

What a pathetic loser, @ProudAmerican. Fuck you you white guilt ridden faggot. You're not in our side
White people of voat once again inspired because someone is brown.      (
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I have seen this trend among millennials under the influence of baby boomers and baby boomers.
@blumen4alles is inspired because a brown "person" did something. are there any high profile users of this site that aren't cucked?     (
15 comments last comment...

Fuck all of you losers. Fuck your white guilt.
@Conspirologist with today's News For White Cucks. Anyone here love brown people and looking for an excuse to tell "racists" why they should love them too?     (
9 comments last comment...

Conspirologist is not a conservative, he doesn't even match the cuck level of Talk/Voat.

Most of you are pussies. Fuck off, losers.
Yet another cucked faggot @crackinjokes holds a nigger up high, proving this retard doesn't have confidence in his own observations. Americans are PATHETIC      (
4 comments last comment...

You are fucking losers. Kill yourselves or die from old age you cringey ass baby boomers
@AugustineOfHippo2 rightly points out the essence of the white guilt cuckiness that is the point of this sub, and the affliction of most whites on this website      (

white guilt is contemptible and unvirtuous.

Nice work putting this right there for cucks to see, and hopefully repent @AugustineOfHippo2

White guilt ridden folks? Get out of the way
-4 has an entire sub that is a duplicate of this one that is dedicated to American Christianity and American atheist that covet the worship of the African black @NukeAmerica      (
submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspriedBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.4 years ago (+1/-5)
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If it wasn't more obvious that white people get a sick, contrived catharsis from "reeee a nigger said what I said, see it must be true" and they have a disgusting emotional response that makes it abundantly clear that they are waiting for the approval of the African black before they do anything.

There is no weaseling out of this. Every time one of these niggers makes a move like this you false-sense-of-security pussies debase yourselves to line up and follow them to "prove you're not racist". It is one of the cringiest human behaviors I have ever seen. Do you retards find it mysterious why white women fuck these disgusting animals? They're following your lead. They dont even want to fuck them - YOU are encouraging it and making it happen, especially by playing those nigbeats you listen to all the time, faggot. is a bunch of nigger worshipping faggots in denial about their religious fervor to worship a filthy, barely evolved humanoid. Kill yourselves. You're not my ally.
@con77 wants to propagate a nigger's message and give it credibility.      (
submitted by osomperne to WhitesInspriedBecauseSomeoneIsBrown 1.6 years ago (+0/-6)

This is how you go to heaven folks. Praise brown "people"!!!


Everyone please please watch the interview. It would mean a lot to con77. He needs this.