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Owner: UncleDoug


Gender Pay Gap scam 2.0     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Scamdemic 2 days ago (+17/-1)
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Unions push for 9 per cent pay boost in sectors dominated by women

F'en Hairdresser to get a 9% wage increase just because its a kick to the ribs.

Union push for 9pc gender-based pay rise risks inflation: employers

Because the gender pay gap scam is based on data of annualised full time base salaries (inclusing OT and bonuses), but not position held, experience, qualifications or even actual hours worked. The Australian government will now blanket increasing all industries dominated by women. All because it would be illegal to pay wither sex more based on gender.

In 2017, 89.0% of the nursing and midwifery workforce was female. Since 2014, the number of males in the workforce has increased by 3,706 and they now comprise 11.0% of the workforce.

So these sneaky jewish fucks are going to fasten crashing our economy with more cold war tricks.

An increase in sector wages inflates currency and creates disparity between entry level jobs and more those voatioans that require more study.

Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox said the ACTU’s “simplistic call” for a 9 per cent gender-based wage increase could not be responsibly adopted.

He'll probably get eaten by the leftards in politics.