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Community for : 2.4 years

Post text that can be pasted onto normie comment sections to racialize Whites and turn Whites against diversity, Jewish power, and anti-Whiteism.

This sub can discuss and foster comment section activism.

Some Responses to use on anti-Whites:

Owner: oppressed


submitted by con77 to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 week ago (+10/-0)
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and the masses are apathetic
Through "anti-racism", Whites are taught to believe that their race doesn't matter and that they shouldn't see race. This results in a quick demographic replacement of Whites.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 weeks ago (+22/-1)
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Through "anti-racism", Whites are taught to believe that their race doesn't matter and that they shouldn't see race. This results in a quick demographic replacement of Whites as no one defends or preserves the White demographics anymore.

Both ADL and SPLC enforce this kind of anti-racist brainwashing.


A book of quotes to wake Whites some day please
Imagine not having to work anymore because all the world's food is free. That's what White EthnoStates can offer humanity. We should instill a vision of endless possibilities in a heavenly dream world when we talk about future White Ethnostates     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeks ago (+2/-0)
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Imagine not having to work anymore because all the world's food is free. That's what White EthnoStates can offer humanity.

If the White race were permitted to survive and thrive into the future via ethnostates, innovation would be the norm and Whites would develop Star Trek replicators that could replicate plates of food for the hungry.

Whites have already shown their potential for inventing such replicators by inventing the modern world. White British created a significant Agricultural Revolution that increased the populations of Blacks and non-Whites by hundreds of millions.

We should instill a vision of endless possibilities in a heavenly dream world when we talk about future White Ethnostates.
Racial integration is a crime against Whites that must be prosecuted.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeks ago (+18/-0)
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Not racemixing is simply selective breeding, which has been proven to be highly beneficial in evolution and eugenics. Therefore it cannot be the anti-White slurs of "bigoted" or "racist."     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeks ago (+13/-0)
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Not racemixing is simply selective breeding, which has been proven to be highly beneficial in evolution and eugenics. Therefore it cannot be the anti-White slurs of "bigoted" or "racist."


Quotes To Wake Whites is a repository for racially conscious Whites... quotes and media that can wake up White people on race, the JQ, the Great Replacement, anti-Whitism, etc.

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White people need to understand that they are controlled by a demonic and oppressive form of government and media that says any objection to the Great Replacement must be met with hostility, deplatforming, and depersonhood of every kind.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeks ago (+16/-0)
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White people need to understand that they are controlled by a demonic and oppressive form of government and media that says any objection to the Great Replacement must be met with hostility, deplatforming, and depersonhood of every kind.


Quotes To Wake Whites is A repository for racially conscious Whites... quotes and media that can wake up White people on race, the JQ, the Great Replacement, anti-Whitism, etc.

Idea: People treat their Quotes To Wake Whites like they are trading cards, and you post them to contemplate with each other, and to say selah.

ADL has been running a scam of libeling anyone who criticizes jewish power as an "anti-semite." That means jews can't be held accountable for their vast network of power over other races.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+12/-0)
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ADL has been running a scam of libeling anyone who criticizes jewish power as an "anti-semite." That means jews can't be held accountable for their vast network of power over other races.

ADL is a jewish supremacist group, so their claims of anti-semitism and racism are purely from a desire to see jews dominate and maintain jewish supremacy.

The "adl" are antiwhite. Their sole purpose is to suppress anything that isn't antiwhite enough and to push the antiwhite narrative.

Follow -+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-

The Sub for comment section activism:

Blacks seek leaders who will serve their community. Jews seek leaders who will serve their community. Shouldn't Whites seek leaders who will serve the White community?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+28/-1)
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Blacks seek leaders who will serve their community.

Jews seek leaders who will serve their community.

Shouldn't Whites seek leaders who will serve the White community?


My little Pwny QuoteToWakeWhites

I'll spam this sort of thing to congressman on X again someday when I'm unbanned.
Whites should be allowed to decide for themselves that they don't want their genes to be mixed. Non-Whites should not have a say, and it should not be controversial.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+31/-0)
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Whites need to make Whitemixing illegal. Whites should be allowed to decide for themselves that they don't want their genes to be mixed. Non-Whites should not have a say, and it should not be controversial.
White Nationalism, not Zionism, is where Whites are put first.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+6/-0)
Jews put Jews first and demand Whites aren't put anywhere.

White Nationalism, not Zionism, is where Whites are put first.


Tell things like this to zionist shill politicians, try to convert them to become critics of jews. Also make quotes that promote White Nationalism as the solution.
Whenever Trump mentions "Chi-nah", he doesn't care that it's a huge, safe Asian ethnostate, and that Whites have no comparable and safe Folk Nation.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+7/-2)
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Whenever Trump mentions "Chi-nah", he doesn't care that it's a huge, safe Asian ethnostate, and that Whites have no comparable and safe Folk Nation.
If black people want black dolls, black music, and black media, doesn't that make diversity a failure?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 1 month ago (+3/-0)
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If black people want black dolls, black music, and black media, doesn't that make diversity a failure?
White Nationalism is the only ideology that would accurately address the longstanding Black crime plague, and the only ideology that correctly warns you to "avoid the groid."     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+27/-0)
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White Nationalism is the only ideology that would accurately address the longstanding Black crime plague, and the only ideology that correctly warns you to "avoid the groid."

Important Bitchute Playlists:



links for maps and stats of negro crime, to help you address avoid the groid:

updated this -+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-
It costs a lot to lock up criminals, and if the Black population is largely criminal or on welfare then that bill becomes an unsupportable drain on the honest White community. Separation would remove this expense.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+18/-0)
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It costs a lot to lock up criminals, and if the Black population is largely criminal or on welfare then that bill becomes an unsupportable drain on the honest White community.

Separation would remove this expense.


After you've cited racial statistics, you could use this quote.

-+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-
why should White politicians and businessmen of the world feel ashamed for coming out as White Nationalists?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+3/-1)
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What is White Nationalism?

White Nationalism is the understanding of racial reality according to Whites.

Jewry is the understanding of race according to Jews, which is usually bullcrap.

So why should White politicians and businessmen of the world feel ashamed for coming out as White Nationalists?

Mark Twain     (
submitted by con77 to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+8/-0)
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If chimpanzees were only 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around accoring to the National Crime Victimization Survey, Table 13, would it be acceptable to force integrate our children with chimpanzees in the name of equality and tolerance?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+16/-0)
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If chimpanzees were only 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, Table 13, would it be acceptable to force integrate our children with chimpanzees in the name of equality and tolerance?

A Black is 35 Times More Likely to Attack A White Than The Other Way Around, proof some "racism" against Blacks could save lives:

Bountiful grocery stores come from White genes and are part of White people's culture.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+11/-1)
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Bountiful grocery stores come from White genes and are part of White people's culture.
If we had White-only immigration policies, the only people it would upset/offend is Jews and liberals, so doesn't that prove it is right? Why did Whites ever aquiesce to liberals on race in the first place?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+23/-0)
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If we had White-only immigration policies, the only people it would upset is Jews and liberals, so doesn't that prove it is right?

Why did Whites ever aquiesce to liberals on race in the first place?

-+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-

White Nationalism is the ONLY ideology made to benefit White people. Not Jewry, not BLM, not liberalism, not conservatism...     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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White Nationalism is the ONLY ideology made to benefit White people. Not Jewry, not BLM, not liberalism, not conservatism...
White Nationalism is the accusation that racial diversity is bad for Whites, and Jewish thought won't let that be preached anywhere.

White Nationalism is the science created by Whites to determine what is good for White people, and what is true about race.

Jews demonize WN and try to convince everyone it is untrue, because they see it as a threat to their survival. Yet WN remains true despite the many decades and billions of dollars spent to propagandize everyone with Jewish lies.

Lies that say all races are equal, and that diversity/negroes are the White man's "greatest strength", and that Israel is our "greatest ally."

-+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-

Quotes To Wake Whites (A repository for racially conscious Whites. Quotes and media that can wake up White people on race, the JQ, the Great Replacement, anti-Whitism, etc.)

If a Black is 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around, should Whites pre-judge based on race?     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+25/-1)
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Ask liberals, if a Black is 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around, should Whites pre-judge based on race?

Some facts that legally prove forced racial integration is harmful to Whites are,

A Black is 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around:

Video evidence:

and Despite being 5% of the population, young Black males commit 53% of all murders, 54% of all robbery.


The GOP would not try to stop or reverse the Great Replacement even if it had full power over House, Senate and Presidency. Whites need better representation, they need White Nationalism.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 2 months ago (+17/-0)
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The GOP would not try to stop or reverse the Great Replacement even if it had full power over House, Senate and Presidency.

Whites need better representation, they need White Nationalism.
Raceblindness means subjecting White men, women and children to dangerous Negroes.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 months ago (+11/-0)
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Raceblindness means subjecting White men, women and children to dangerous Negroes.

-+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-

White Nationalists must seize the means of social conditioning and stigmatizing, which is called the lamestream/mainstream media.     (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 months ago (+1/-0)
White Nationalists must seize the means of social conditioning and stigmatizing, which is called the lamestream/mainstream media.

A raceless people cannot stand against a problem (White Genocide) that requires a racial consciousness. That's why Jews demand that Whites have no racial consciousness.

Jews have spent many decades constantly defaming White Racial Consciousness throughout mainstream media monopoly as being "White Supremacist", a horrible evil.

Jews convinced Whites that their own positive racial identity was villianous and not right.

-+\\Quotes to wake Whites//+-

Blacks 35 times more likely to attack Whites than the other way around, proof melting pots are bad. See Jared Taylor on what it means to ignore racial reality:      (QuotesToWakeWhites)
submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 months ago (+20/-0)
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Blacks 35 times more likely to attack Whites than the other way around, proof melting pots are bad.

See Jared Taylor on what it means to ignore racial reality: