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Dedicated to Western Civilization and Western culture.

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Owner: Joe_McCarthy


The revolutionary lifestyle: What is it? How is it distinct from the normie lifestyle?     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1.9 years ago (+0/-4)
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This defunct webzine was dedicated to exploring this:

But what say you?
"In the future, at any time, the best friends of a revolution in this country will be any worsening or collapse of the economy along with any large-scale disaster, disruption, or upheaval from any source." - James Mason, SIEGE      (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 1.8 years ago (+2/-5)
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The Irish Republican Army Manual of Guerrilla Warfare is a reminder of how a small group of motivated individuals with limited access to weaponry can impose their will on a much larger and well-equipped state      (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 11 months ago (+3/-4)
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The fuck n' suck society - my plan to take over the Rockies     (OccidentalEnclave)
submitted by Joe_McCarthy to OccidentalEnclave 3 months ago (+0/-4)
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So I've spoken of this a bit. I'm not going to flesh it all out here but questions are welcome. You might say it is a very French idea as the foremost intellectual influences on it are French: the Marquis de Sade and Auguste Comte. A Russian intelligence agent told me in 2022 that without my use of Comte I would not be here. Here being where I had just entered. I.e., talking to him.

It's a glorified camping trip until the pigs make it something else. Basically lots of sex, nudity, squatting and trespassing on federal lands, moving around (no stupid compounds for Waco enthusiasts) and ignoring the law. In practice that means no applications for things like fishing and hunting licenses. I expect lots of fugitives and other outcasts to get in pretty early. My basic demographic is hobos and college sluts. It's family formation. Think of the Manson Family had they moved to more defensible areas than Death Valley. 12-35 people to start, men outnumbering women suggesting a gangbang. Children raised in common. No work. No inequality created by private property. And while I say my plan this comes courtesy of Iranian intelligence - with Don Pendleton's 'Nuclear Storm' serving as a huge influence.