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Community for : 3 years

Things that got thrown down the Memory Hole. Revive the events (((they))) want forgotten.

Owner: MrGoat


List of long forgotten books on jews.      (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MemoryHole 3 years ago (+23/-0)
10 comments last comment...
Pizzagate of the 80's: The McMartin Preschool Trial     (
submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MemoryHole 3 years ago (+7/-1)
4 comments last comment...

The layout had a tunnel

Their findings

Jews wrote dozens of articles about how the McMartin Preschool case was a total hoax. And it was a Jewish prosecutor who dropped 90% of the McMartin charges, for no reason, letting 80% of the pedo ring free without trial. A future mayor of LA was one of the suspects ID'd by the kids. His father was the top councilman in LA for decades. They named a big park after the father. The son who became mayor, the first thing he did is hire a Kroll Inc/CIA man to be chief of LAPD. And the Jew prosecutor of the McMartin trial had deep ties to that future mayor.

"One recent witness, a 10-year-old boy who was the ninth of the 41 children scheduled to testify at the hearing, astonished courtroom observers when he identified photographs of James Hahn, the newly elected Los Angeles city attorney, and Chuck Norris, the motion-picture actor, as among those who had abused him. (Embarrassed prosecutors later acknowledged that the boy had been ''mistaken in his recollections.'')

The boy also said children were beaten regularly at the McMartin school with a 10-foot-long bullwhip, forced to exhume bodies and taken to a church where they were slapped by a priest if they refused to pray to ''three or four gods.''

''This is killing the prosecution,'' one of the seven defense lawyers said later, and even within the district attorney`s office there are some who fear he may be right.

All of those associated with the case say they are convinced beyond a doubt that the children`s fundamental allegations of sexual abuse are true, and they point to a growing body of research showing that preschool-age children almost never fabricate such accusations."