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Owner: Glowbright


ConPro user claims to join Patriot Front and gives a debrief report     (
submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnConPro 12 months ago (+3/-0)
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Patriot Front is painted in the best possible light. Obviously this is propaganda and recruitment material but it seems like it was written by someone who is a true believer, a true 'useful idiot'. A wise man one said to me 'If you meet a white supremacist and they do a Nazi salute or say 'Heil Hitler' then it is sure sign they are either an idiot or a Fed.' The fact that this ConPro user is just like 'lol, yeah every group has at least one idiot yelling 'Heil Hitler' and does not even consider that they are Fed plants is very telling. He seems to have high faith in 'the process' and the recruitment protocol for weeding out the undesirables. I'm sure the group does have a lot of good folks trying to make a difference but such unwavering faith is misguided. I honestly cannot tell if this was written by a useful idiot or a fed.
Glowie larping on ConPro     (
submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnConPro 1.3 years ago (+3/-3)
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The text of the post is clearly bullshit. It is written by someone who has never been outside the urban/sub-urban bubble. The tone was way off but I knew it was fake when i got to "We paid him for rights to use that land, hunting, fishing..." lolz. The entire concept of a 'hunting lease' or paying someone for permission to hunt on their land is something that only makes sense to a city-slicker. If it really was thousands of acres of 'almost completely desolate' land, then there is no way the locals paid anyone to hunt it... they just hunted. Locals always know the good spots and when they will get in trouble. If they need to get permission it is done with a 6pack and a handshake.

So I conclude the post glows. My question is "what is the glowie's angle?" Seems to be pushing feudalism? The message was very much "Everything was better when the king owned everything. It all went to shit when he died and his sons split up the kingdom."
The goyim know     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to MeanwhileOnConPro 1.4 years ago (+4/-0)
1 is down?     (MeanwhileOnConPro)
submitted by MichaelStewart to MeanwhileOnConPro 1.8 years ago (+1/-0)
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A four-ton potato?!? NBC fails at fact checking and ConPro users eat it up     (
submitted by Glowbright to MeanwhileOnConPro 1.9 years ago (+1/-1)
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NBC: Obvious photoshop of the truck to make it say "It's Real"
Click the link right in the article: Real truck says "Is it Real?"