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Owner: MrGoat


Strong Female Athletes of Mordor     (
submitted by GrayDragon to LordOfTheRings 1.2 years ago (+49/-0)
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submitted by Boardallday3 to LordOfTheRings 1.9 years ago (+3/-0)
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Rohan Criticized For Crossing State Lines To Defend Minas Tirith     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to LordOfTheRings 2.6 years ago (+3/-0)
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Bruce...     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to LordOfTheRings 2.6 years ago (+37/-1)
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The (((usual suspects))) have been trying to subvert The Lord of the Rings for quite some time now.     (
submitted by WittyUserName to LordOfTheRings 2.6 years ago (+18/-0)
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In 1999, a "Russian" author by the name of Krill Eskov (pictured here; presumably spotting a young, white Christian child he can drain of blood)...

...published a novel portraying the forces of Sauron as the heroes in a war against the forces of ignorance; stifling innovation.

Gandalf is portrayed as an anti-science crusader looking to push a "final solution" to the problem of Mordor.

While the Salon article calls this as an attack on Russia, the intent of making this about the jews couldn't be more clear.

Because Gandalf refers to Mordor as the "Evil Empire" and is accused of crafting a "Final Solution to the Mordorian problem" by rival wizard Saruman, he obviously serves as an avatar for Russia's 20th-century foes. But the juxtaposition of the willfully feudal and backward "West," happy with "picking lice in its log 'castles'" while Mordor cultivates learning and embraces change, also recalls the clash between Europe in the early Middle Ages and the more sophisticated and learned Muslim empires to the east and south. Sauron passes a "universal literacy law," while the shield maiden Eowyn has been raised illiterate, "like most of Rohan's elite" -- good guys Tolkien based on his beloved Anglo-Saxons.

Up until recently, "The Last Ringbearer" was prevented from publication in English thanks to the efforts of the Tolkien Estate, but the author aided one of his golems in a "fan-translation" that was published for free online in 2011.

As we've seen in the (((entertainment industry))) over the last 20 years, subversion is far more important than shekels.

Eskov's desperate need to push back against white Christianity had a prior effort made in 1995 with "The Gospel of Afranius". In it, the Roman secret police send an undercover operative (Judas) to help promote Christianity as a way to weaken Judaism with a more pacifist sect along with staging the resurrection to help fool the apostles into thinking there was a supernatural element to Jesus' life.

With the death of Christopher Tolkien, revisionist efforts to destroy such a powerful, positive portrayal of white Europe will only intensify. The need to gatekeep has never been more stronger.

Stand tall, free peoples of Middle Earth.

Archive Links: - Middle-earth according to Mordor - Krill Eskov's Kikepedia page. - The Gospel of Afranius
Amazon "Lord of the Rings" TV series to have nigger hobbits - taking "burglar" a little too seriously, perhaps?     (
submitted by WittyUserName to LordOfTheRings 2.6 years ago (+17/-0)
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On January 16, 2020, Christopher Tolkien died. With him, died any hope to prevent the degradation of his father's legacy.

So strong was Christopher in the defense of J.R.R. Tolkien's English fairy tale, The Lord of the Rings, that he even disowned his own son over the making of the Peter Jackson films (which he wasn't fond of).

But now he's gone. And the Shadow falls.

Within 3 months, a rumor spread that Amazon fired the writing staff of the upcoming LOTR TV series as well as Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey.

Shippey gave a kind of warning of the amount of control Amazon was given.

“Amazon has a relatively free hand when it comes to adding something, since, as I said, very few details are known about this time span. The Tolkien Estate will insist that the main shape of the Second Age is not altered. Sauron invades Eriador, is forced back by a Númenorean expedition, is returns to Númenor. There he corrupts the Númenoreans and seduces them to break the ban of the Valar. All this, the course of history, must remain the same. But you can add new characters and ask a lot of questions, like: What has Sauron done in the meantime? Where was he after Morgoth was defeated? Theoretically, Amazon can answer these questions by inventing the answers, since Tolkien did not describe it. But it must not contradict anything which Tolkien did say. That’s what Amazon has to watch out for. It must be canonical, it is impossible to change the boundaries which Tolkien has created, it is necessary to remain “tolkienian”.”

As the months wore on, more tidbits about the cast and crew came to light which showed the hand of woke at play.

Black Hobbits.

Sir Lenny Henry did interviews where he discussed his being cast as a niggerlet in an ENGLISH FANTASY.

"For the last two years I've been working on Lord Of The Rings and it's an extraordinary thing, it's the biggest television show that's ever been made, in terms of money and head count. Literally, a hundred people on set glaring at you and trying to work out what you'll look like four feet tall… I'm a Harfoot, because JRR Tolkien, who was also from Birmingham, suddenly there were black hobbits, I'm a black hobbit, it's brilliant, and what's notable about this run of the books, its a prequel to the age that we've seen in the films, its about the early days of the Shire and Tolkien's environment, so we're an indigenous population of Harfoots, we're hobbits but we're called Harfoots, we're multi-cultural, we're a tribe not a race, so we're black, asian and brown, even Maori types within it. It's a brand new set of adventures that seed some of the origins of different characters and it's going to take at least ten years to tell the story. Because it's based on the Silmarillion which was almost like a cheat sheet for what happens next in this world in the second and third ages. And the writers have a lot of fun in extrapolating it all out, and it's going to be very exciting. There's a very strong female presence in this, there's going to be female heroes in this evocation of the story, they're going to be little people as usual."

It appears the niggers in Shadows of War were only the tip of the spear.

The article ends with the usual shot at anyone who might complain about blackwashing.

And just before the usual folk kick-off, Tolkien, describing Harfoots in the Lord Of The Rings, stated that "they were browner of skin" and also "they moved westward early" which may be seen as why Harfoots were absent in the films so far.

Gather your source materials, free folk of the West. Gather them before they are amended so as to fool the eyes of future generations.

Teach your children well.

These are dark times.

Archive Links: - Sir Lenny Henry On Being A Black Hobbit In The Lord Of The Rings - French language article where Christopher Tolkien derides the Jackson trilogy as "gutted". - Amazon Studios | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion - Amazon Studios Sets Inclusion Policy And Playbook For Its Content And Productions - Rumor: Amazon’s Lord of The Rings Fires Entire Writing Staff – Season 1 Put On Hiatus
Holy fucking based     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to LordOfTheRings 2.8 years ago (+22/-3)
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He literally predicted Nigger rule
Elven Conspiracy      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to LordOfTheRings 2.8 years ago (+10/-1)
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Don't be blackpilled      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to LordOfTheRings 2.8 years ago (+5/-1)
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there is good in this world
and it's worth fighting for
Our people      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to LordOfTheRings 2.8 years ago (+4/-1)
We will not let our people fail