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Community for : 1.3 years

Discuss ideas that could cause the White race to be saved that are non-violent and not illegal.

Owner: oppressed


Reminder that Hope for mankind is in staying White     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+19/-0)
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And Hope won't exist unless we fight,

To de-brainwash is our righteous plight,

to make our people, see the light.
To reach normies On youtube comment sections with WN propaganda, do this     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 7 months ago (+19/-1)
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Search "racist" or similar topics, narrow the search to this week, now post propaganda to wake people on those videos. Reply to other people's comments with WN propaganda and links.
Our version of American History X - We need to write a respectable White Nationalist movie script     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 11 months ago (+19/-2)
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In our version of American History X, a respectable White man wakes up to racial reality and JQ. Then he joins a positive culture celebrating White people. This group Whites turns the tides on anti-Whiteism and saves the White race. The script follows the events which transpire as a group of White people take back their countries. This will inspire Whites to come together and grieve the loss of their countries and race.

We need Tre Parker from South Park to help iron out this script, he loves working on scripts.
Distribute White Nationalist flyers at Trump rallies like NJP did     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+18/-2)
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Here's a link to them doing it

Distribute White Nationalist flyers at Trump rallies to wake people up. It's a good opportunity to reach politically active Whites. This is a huge step for any WN to take and I recommend bringing some friends.
Write a White Nationalist teen movie script     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+15/-1)
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Write the script, and get handsome actors and actresses to play cool hand luke White Nationalists in a teen movie, maybe 80's teen movie, and they discuss race eloquently. In this way the film fosters WN culture and ideas. Then collect your accolades at Cannes.

Even as a tiny tiny minority in the world, jews would have the brain power and racial solidarity towards other jews to accomplish this quickly.
My email to Christian Zionist pastors     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 4 months ago (+14/-1)
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I found these pastors who host radio show called Stand in the Gap. One pastor was going on about how America is very blessed for blessing Israel.

I emailed them:

Dear Pastors,

Christian Zionism has lead us to the Great Replacement known as White Genocide in many White countries.

Jews are an "anti-racist" power that insist on the Great Replacement.

There are billion-dollar Jewish orgs demonizing anyone who objects to the Great Replacement (ADL, JDL, SPLC, etc.)

Jews define White ethnocentrism as evil, racist and nazi, but Jews themselves have built highly ethnocentric communities throughout USA and Israel.

To be a Republican Zionist Shill during The Fall of the White Race is quite shameful since Jewish Power is a major cause of the Great Replacement.

Jews put Jews first and demand Whites aren't put anywhere.

If we leave the White race's fate up to Jews, there will be no more White people.

That's why Zionism is so dangerous to us.

Please Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes to better understand why race and the Great Replacement matter:

Maybe you want to email the pastors about their Zionism too:
Article I wrote a long time ago: Quick guide on comment section activism     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+12/-0)
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Quick guide on comment section activism

How comment section activism can wake and save the White race:

1. Post propaganda on massive amounts of comment sections every day. The goal is to always
get White positive messages to be seen by as many people as possible to cause a strong movement against multiracialism and anti-whiteism.

2. Keep text files of White positive comments you save that you think could be effective
at waking Whites. Post the comments often to Whites who disagree with you. You can modify them for each audience.

3. Debate/post for the onlookers sake and not so much for the sake of the person you're
talking to.

4. Don't spend too much time on any one comment section. Keep moving to new ones so you can reach as many as people possible.

Do the math on how many people you would reach with 300 people posting 40 hours a week,
and each comment section reaching an estimate of 5 new people. We would wake enough Whites to save our race, and normalize White Advocacy and race realism.

We would have the outreach of a national television channel, which is what is needed for a Great Awakening to occur.
"Anti-racism" makes Whites stop at nothing to demographically replace themselves. Share these Race Realist videos to Wake Up Whites (WUW).     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 5 months ago (+14/-2)
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Let's meme WUW (Wake Up Whites) into a thing.

"Anti-racism" makes Whites stop at nothing to demographically replace themselves. Share these Race Realist videos to Wake Up Whites (WUW).

Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:

Do White people have a future:

Jared Taylor on what it means to ignore racial reality:

Blacks 35 times more likely to attack whites than the other way around, proof "racism" against blacks saves lives.


Video evidence:

Despite being ~5% of the population, young Black males commit 53% of all murders, 54% of all robbery.

Source, Arrests by race and ethnicity, 2018:

TV Clips of Anti-White Media Naming And Supporting The Great Replacement/White Erasure/White Genocide:

Actor Steve Martin Explains Racial Differences, Which Justifies Peaceful Separation Of Some Races:

Jared Taylor's The Truth About Race and Intelligence:

The key is adding an enticing invitation to cause normies to view your WN video links.
How to wake up people on reddit, private message them     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 4 months ago (+12/-2)
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Whenever you see someone make a racial comment on reddit that you want to correct, pm them your quote to wake Whites, and include a WN video for them to watch. I've never gotten banned from PMing anyone there.

Local FM Radio Show Host Dale Jackson Reposted a WN account. Ratio him     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 5 months ago (+12/-1)
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Can you folks tell Dale he should have on White Lives Matter pundits? Ratio this guy.

Link to tweet:
I Named The John Birch Society In My Will     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to IdeasToSaveWhites 2 months ago (+10/-0)
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You’ll notice that their leadership has yet to be corrupted by Jews. Hopefully, these White men are not merely figuredheads being run by Jews. I seriously doubt it.

50% to Birchers
25% to West Virginia Children’s Hospital
25% to Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital.

I will help honest, White people as much as I can after my mother and my cousin.

No, I’m not dying.
cpac trending on twitter now and you are able to tweet to them about jewish power and zionism     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 2 months ago (+9/-0)
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these are the first times we've been able to talk to normies easily. so tweet your best things to cpac. search cpac on twitter and choose latest. turn conservatives them against jewry. rush them with facts and videos.

If you care about White people, you should unequivocally condemn Jewry.

Because Jews are an anti-White power that insists on The Great Replacement of Whites.
Video: Brazil Proves Non-White Gene Pools Are Dangerous To Whites     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 2 months ago (+9/-0)
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Do you folks think this video will be effective at proving diversity is bad to normies? How would you change the editing to appeal to the most people possible?

I wish @system could be brave enough to automatically embed Rumble and Odysee links into new threads, as it is with Bitchute links.
Hot twitter trick to find lots of anti-Whites/normies and wake up on the subject of race:     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 10 months ago (+9/-1)

Hot twitter trick to find lots of anti-Whites and wake up on the subject of race:

Search "racism" or similar terms on twitter.

Click "Latest" up on top of page

Now comment on all the latest posts mentioning racism. I like this post:

Blacks 35 times more likely to commit violence against whites.

Video proof:


Does that prove "racism" against blacks could save lives?

Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:

Tweet Elon Musk and Bill Gates once a day a White Nationalist propaganda     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 6 months ago (+8/-0)
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if you have an X account you should keep tweet them once a day your best propaganda to wake them up while u have the opportunity. what do u think, is it a good idea? take advantage of your opportunity.

dont take it for granted that anglo elites can easily read what you write
How to redeem White Nationalism to normies? Market it as the ONLY ideology that would protect and defend the White race, that would stop and reverse the Great Replacement     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 6 months ago (+11/-4)
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"Jewish power is against White Nationalism, yet White Nationalism is the only ideology that would stop and reverse the Great Replacement.

That's why Zionism is the death of the White race."
Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+7/-0)
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Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.

Constant mainstream media propaganda could also be used to liberate White minds, turning everyone into White Nationalists who save the White Race.

The press shapes public opinion, and as such the mainstream media is imperative to saving the White Race.

Jews would fight to the last breath to prevent White Nationalists from broadcasting daily in the mainstream media thereby saving White people.

That is the quintessential issue of our time, and everything depends on it.
Perfect justification for a 3rd position political party's platform on racial separation. Blacks are 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around.      (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.1 years ago (+8/-1)
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Blacks are 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around. Why should a government force integrate you and your White children with a violent race who is 35 times more likely to attack you than the other way around?

Separation now, Separation forever.

Video evidence:

Despite this racial disparity, no public figure will advocate for White Lives Matter?

Make professional race realist documentaries original content     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1 year ago (+7/-1)
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Why can't we make professional race realist documentaries? It could interview pro-Whites and anti-Whites and critique the anti-Whites/anti-racists. It could also interview normies on the fence if there are any.

I wouldn't know how to do this but WN could hire a director and raise funds to film and produce the project.
White Nationalist movie script idea: The Lords of ZOG     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+6/-0)
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White Nationalist movie script idea:

The Lords of ZOG

A group of high-IQ, sophisticated and cultured White Nationalists (Hollywood would want to make them terrorists) invent a device that can control a politicians mind from afar. The WN start using it to control the American president's speech when he is talking to foreign leaders, inserting detailed White Nationalist facts and opinions about race and jews in his speech. The president is flabbergasted and offended by himself and thats where the comedy and hijinks ensues. This is similar to Jim Carey's Liar Liar.

We must create good WN movies and culture some day to promote WN ideas.
The primary goal of our twitter accounts should be to convert enough people that White Nationalist ideas and speakers are constantly in the mainstream media     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 5 months ago (+6/-0)
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There's no organ of mainstream media in any western nation that opposes mass migration.
In Mainstream Media, every voice is a pro-Jewish voice, every voice is a pro-Black voice. Whites have no voices in the Mainstream Media.
White Nationalist ideas need to be on mainstream media constantly if we are going to see the White race get saved. White Nationalism can't be relegated to obscure websites that our normie people don't visit en mass, it has to be a part of daily mainstream societal narratives and discussions so our people will wish to create ethnostates.

The long-term goal is to have our own societies free of multiracialism.

Becoming a regular part of the mainstream media is key.
Take daily advantage of your free speech on X platform to make that happen.
i got 400 twitter followers in 24 hours just from riding the He's Jewish trending topic with a meme naming a jew     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 9 months ago (+7/-3)
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We need lots of followers so we can reach and propagandize people like mainstream media does.

Hack: use racial topics when they trend to soar up the ranks.

Click "latest" after you click a trending topic to read the latest discussions about the topic, and participate. Once you see what tweets are heating up, find a meme to make a similar post so yours can go viral too.
MAJIC = Movement Against Jewish International Control     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 7 months ago (+5/-0)
I came up with this acronym for a jew-aware group that works to end jewish power over whites. It would need great leaders, as WN currently need.

Be sure to tweet Elon Musk your ideas on why jews and ADL shouldnt be censoring whites
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 5 months ago (+6/-2)
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Drowning Whites everywhere in massive diversity is simply an ongoing program of White Genocide.

Please stand by Jared Taylor as he defends White people. Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:
This is the golden age of X, take advantage of it to Wake Up Whites (WUW)     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 5 months ago (+6/-1)
We are being permitted unprecedented free speech about race and JQ on X. Your job is to awaken normies while it's possible.


"Anti-racism" makes Whites stop at nothing to demographically replace themselves.

Jewish power is devoutly "anti-racist."

Jewish power convinces Whites to stop at nothing to demographically replace themselves.

White people need to be much, much more ethnocentric. Their very existence is at stake.

Share these Race Realist videos to Wake Up Whites (WUW).

Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:

Do White people have a future:

Jared Taylor on what it means to ignore racial reality:

Blacks 35 times more likely to attack whites than the other way around, proof "racism" against blacks saves lives.


Video evidence:

Despite being ~5% of the population, young Black males commit 53% of all murders, 54% of all robbery.

Source, Arrests by race and ethnicity, 2018:

TV Clips of Anti-White Media Naming And Supporting The Great Replacement/White Erasure/White Genocide:

Actor Steve Martin Explains Racial Differences, Which Justifies Peaceful Separation Of Some Races:

Jared Taylor's The Truth About Race and Intelligence: