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Community for : 1.3 years

Discuss ideas that could cause the White race to be saved that are non-violent and not illegal.

Owner: oppressed


Convincing Whites to save their race?     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.1 years ago (+1/-0)
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Perhaps we can't directly convince Whites to save their race, but maybe we can indirectly convince them by imposing the right pro-White terminology such as White Genocide and Anti-White.

If the terms were mainstream it could have an effect of saving the White race.
Perfect justification for a 3rd position political party's platform on racial separation. Blacks are 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around.      (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.1 years ago (+8/-1)
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Blacks are 35 times more likely to attack a White than the other way around. Why should a government force integrate you and your White children with a violent race who is 35 times more likely to attack you than the other way around?

Separation now, Separation forever.

Video evidence:

Despite this racial disparity, no public figure will advocate for White Lives Matter?

why dont you tweet this to the news and television media, also to big podcasters     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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Your viewers would like to hear from White Lives Matter pundits about news like this.

These are available for fair tv appearances:

Jared Taylor, Jason Köhne, and Nick Fuentes.

Contact them now.

Ask them about Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes:
Article I wrote a long time ago: Quick guide on comment section activism     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+12/-0)
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Quick guide on comment section activism

How comment section activism can wake and save the White race:

1. Post propaganda on massive amounts of comment sections every day. The goal is to always
get White positive messages to be seen by as many people as possible to cause a strong movement against multiracialism and anti-whiteism.

2. Keep text files of White positive comments you save that you think could be effective
at waking Whites. Post the comments often to Whites who disagree with you. You can modify them for each audience.

3. Debate/post for the onlookers sake and not so much for the sake of the person you're
talking to.

4. Don't spend too much time on any one comment section. Keep moving to new ones so you can reach as many as people possible.

Do the math on how many people you would reach with 300 people posting 40 hours a week,
and each comment section reaching an estimate of 5 new people. We would wake enough Whites to save our race, and normalize White Advocacy and race realism.

We would have the outreach of a national television channel, which is what is needed for a Great Awakening to occur.
idea for new ufc-style tournament: gagnster tournament     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+0/-1)
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now make white nationalist money on this idea for a new ufc-style tournament:

gangster tournament

you get gangbangers and people like charleston white to fight in a cage mage. the gangsters can fight their opps. when they come out to the fight it can say what their gang is and what beef they have with their opps. the reward could be things like a recording contract, or 60k dollars.

it would be ufc with huge gangster personas and egos, and amid the backdrop of life or death gang war struggles
Only 6 people in the last 20 years have worked full time to save the White race     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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Basically only Mike Enoch and Sven from , Jaed Taylor from , David Duke from , Greg Johnson from , and sometimes Don Black from , are the only people who have worked full time at trying to save the White race in the past 20 years.

That's only about 6 people.

Yet we need hundreds of people working full time at waking Whites to actually succeed and create ethnostates.
Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.3 years ago (+7/-0)
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Insofar as the jews destroyed the West, the weapon they used was "anti-racism", as programmed through constant mainstream media propaganda exposure.

Constant mainstream media propaganda could also be used to liberate White minds, turning everyone into White Nationalists who save the White Race.

The press shapes public opinion, and as such the mainstream media is imperative to saving the White Race.

Jews would fight to the last breath to prevent White Nationalists from broadcasting daily in the mainstream media thereby saving White people.

That is the quintessential issue of our time, and everything depends on it.
Reminder that Hope for mankind is in staying White     (IdeasToSaveWhites)
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.3 years ago (+19/-0)
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And Hope won't exist unless we fight,

To de-brainwash is our righteous plight,

to make our people, see the light.
New Forum Ideas to Save Whites     (
submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 1.3 years ago (+5/-1)
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Do you have legal Ideas that could Save Whites? You can discuss them in this new forum, click subscribe.

Here is the idea Christopher Cantwell has been formulating after spending time reflecting in prison. On being less vocal about the JQ to normies:

"You have to meet people where they are if you want to affect political and social change. You have to remain within their comfort zone, and while there, change the boundaries of that zone before you go outside of them."

~Christopher Cantwell